We are pleased to invite you to the next conference in the series ‘Krakow Conference on Endothelium’, which will take place on 25 – 27 September 2024 in Krakow. The series of conferences on pharmacology of endothelium – recently named, Krakow Conference on Endothelium – was initiated by Prof. Ryszard Gryglewski and subsequently organized by Prof. Stefan Chłopicki. This year will be the 29th conference organized jointly by Prof. Stefan Chłopicki (JCET – Krakow, Poland), Prof. Gabor Csanyi (VBC – Augusta University, USA), Prof. Tilman Hackeng (CARIM – Maastricht, the Netherlands) and Prof. Vicente Andrés, CNIC (Madrid, Spain), covering topics related to endothelial and vascular biomedicine (flyer of the conference).
The conference programe includes 4 main lectures, over 40 presentations, almost half of which will be short presentations, some of which will be selected from submitted abstracts (book of abstracts). As usual, the conference will include one-minute presentations of all posters. This scheme has worked well at our previous conferences and usually includes around 60-80 poster presentations. The best of these are awarded prizes.
So, join us with your colleagues for our 29th Krakow Conference on Endothelium 2024.