Pracowników JCET zapraszamy do czytelni publikacji.
Publikacje – prace oryginalne
- Birnhuber A., Biasin V., Jain P.P, Kwiatkowski G., Boiarina E., Wilhelm J., Ahrens K., Nagaraj Ch., Olschewski A., Witzenrath M., Chlopicki S., Marsh LM, Tabeling Ch., Kwapiszewska G. Pulmonary vascular remodeling in Fra-2 transgenic mice is driven by type 2 inflammation and accompanied by pulmonary vascular hyperresponsiveness. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology.
Publikacje – prace oryginalne
- Majerczak J., Drzymala-Celichowska H., Grandys M., Kij A., Kus K., Celichowski J., Krysciak K., Molik WA BSc, Szkutnik Z., Zoladz J.A., Exercise Training Decreases Nitrite Concentration in the Heart and Locomotory Muscles of Rats Without Changing the Muscle Nitrate Content, J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Jan 16;13(2):e031085.
- Pospiech E., Bar A., Pisarek A., Karas A., Branicki W., Chlopicki S., Epigenetic clock in the aorta and age-related endothelial dysfunction in mice, GeroScience.
- Hachlica N., Stefańska M., Mach M., Kowalska M., Wydro P., Domagała A., Kessler J., Zając G., Kaczor A., Organization of Carotenoid Aggregates in Membranes Studied Selectively using Resonance Raman Optical Activity, Small, 2024.
- Kwiatkowski G., Czyzynska-Cichon I., Tielemans B., Geerkens L., Jasztal A., Greetje Vande Velde, Chłopicki S., Retrospectively gated ultrashort-echo-time MRI T1 mapping reveals compromised pulmonary microvascular NO-dependent function in a murine model of acute lung injury, NMR in Biomedicine.
- Pieczara A., Ruben Arturo Arellano Reyes, Keyes T., Dawiec P., Baranska M., A new highly sensitive and specific Raman probe for live cell imaging of mitochondrial function, ACS Sensors.
- Wojnar-Lasoń K., Tyrankiewicz U., Kij A., Kurpińska A., Kaczara P., KwiatkowskiG., Wilkosz N., Giergiel M., Stojak M., Grosicki M., Mohaissen T., Jasztal A., Kurylowicz Z., Szymoński M., Czyżyńska-Cichoń I., Chłopicki S. Chronic heart failure induces early defenestration of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells (LSECs) in mice, Acta Physiologica.
- Majka Z., Zapala B, Krawczyk A., Czamara K., Mazurkiewicz J., Stanek E., Czyzynska-Cichon I., Kepczynski M., Salamon D., Gosiewski T., Kaczor A. Direct oral and fiber-derived butyrate supplementation as an anti-obesity treatment via different targets, Clinical Nutrition.
- Mazurkiewicz J., Stanek E., Kolodziejczyk A., Karpiel K., Czamara K, Ferreira T.H., Maximiano P., Simões P.N., Reva I., Kalinowska-Tłuścik J., Kaczor A. Efficient delivery of carotenoids to adipocytes with albumin, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Zoladz J.A., Grandys M., Smeda M., Kij A., Kurpinska A., Kwiatkowski G., Karasinski J., Hendgen-Cotta U., Chlopicki S., Majerczak J. Myoglobin deficiency impairs maximal oxygen uptake and exercise performance: a lesson from Mb−/− , The Journal of Physiology.
- Kij A., Bar A., Czyzynska-Cichon I., Przyborowski K., Proniewski B., Mateuszuk L, Kurylowicz Z., Jasztal A., Buczek E., Kurpinska A, Suraj-Prazmowska J., Marczyk B., Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K., Daiber A., Oelze M., Walczak M., Chlopicki S. Vascular protein disulfide isomerase A1 mediates endothelial dysfunction induced by angiotensin II in mice, Acta Physiologica.
- Keppeler K., Pesi A., Lange S., Helmstädter J., Strohm L., Ubbens H., Kuntić M., Kuntić I., Mihaliková D., Vujačić-Mirski K., Rosenberger A., Küster L., Frank C., Oelze M., Finger S., Zakrzewska A., Verdu E., Wild J., Karbach S., Wenzel P., Wild P., Leistner D., Münzel T., Daiber A., Schuppan D., Steven S. Vascular dysfunction and arterial hypertension in experimental celiac disease are mediated by gut-derived inflammation and oxidative stress, Redox Biol. 2024 Apr;70:103071.
- Karaś A., Bar A., Pandian K., Jasztal A., Kuryłowicz Z., Kutryb-Zając B., Buczek E., Rocchetti S., Mohaissen T., Jędrzejewska A., Harms A.C., Kaczara P., Chłopicki S. Functional deterioration of vascular mitochondrial and glycolytic capacity in the aortic rings of aged mice, GeroScience.
- Sternak M., Stojak M., Banasik T., Kij A., Bar A., Pacia M.Z., Wojnar‑Lason K., Chorazy N., Mohaissen T., Marczyk B., Czyzynska‑Cichon I., Berkimbayeva Z., Mika A., Chlopicki S. Vascular ATGL‑dependent lipolysis and the activation of cPLA2–PGI2 pathway protect against postprandial endothelial dysfunction, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.
- Halat M., Zając G., Andrushchenko V., Bouř P., Baranski R., PajorK., Baranska M. Induced Chirality in Canthaxanthin Aggregates Reveals Multiple Levels of Supramolecular Organization, Angewandte Chemie.
- Efentakis P., Choustoulaki A., Kwiatkowski G., Varela A., Kostopoulos I.V., Tsekenis G., Ntanasis-Stathopoulos I., Georgoulis A., Vorgias K., Gakiopoulou H., Briasoulis A., Davos C.H., Kostomitsopoulos N., Tsitsilonis O., Dimopoulos M.A., Terpos E., Chłopicki S., Gavriatopoulou M., Andreadou J. Early microvascular coronary endothelial dysfunction precedes pembrolizumab-induced cardiotoxicity. Preventive role of high dose of atorvastatin, Basic Research in Cardiology.
- Czyzynska-Cichon I., Giergiel M., Kwiatkowski G., Kurpinska A., Wojnar-Lason K., Kaczara P., Szymonski M., Lekka M., Kalvinš I., Zapotoczny B., Chlopicki S. Protein disulfide isomerase A1 regulates fenestration dynamics in primary mouse liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs), Redox Biology.
- Szczepanek E., Marczyk B., Chukwu O., Chlopicki S., Sacha T. Endothelial function in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors is not related to cardiovascular risk assessed by SCORE2 algorithm, Polish Archives of Internal Medicine.
- Machalska E., Halat M., Tani T., Fujisawa T., Unno M., Kudelski A., Baranska M., Zając G. Why Does One Measure Resonance Raman Optical Activity? A Unique Case of Measurements Under Strong Resonance Versus Far-From-Resonance Conditions, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
- Szczęsny-Małysiak E., Bartkowiak A., Dybaś J. Label-free tracking of cytochrome C oxidation state in live cells. FEBS Letters.
- Kaczara P., Czyzynska-Cichon I., Kus E., Kurpinska A., Olkowicz M., Wojnar-Lason K., Pacia M.Z., Lytvynenko O., Baes M., Chlopicki S. Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells rely on oxidative phosphorylation but avoid processing long-chain fatty acids in their mitochondria. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters.
- Stanek E., Majka Z., Czamara K., Mazurkiewicz J., Kaczor A. Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy toward in vivo assessment of the adipose tissue in cardiometabolic pathologie, Analytical Chemistry.
- Krasoń M. Z. , Paradowska A. , Boncel S. , Lejawa M., Fronczek M., Śliwka J., Nożyński J., Bogus P., Hrapkowicz T., Czamara K., Kaczor A., Radomski M. W. Graphene oxide significantly modifies cardiac parameters and coronary endothelial reactivity in healthy and hypertensive rat hearts ex vivo, ACS Omega.
- Stanek E., Czamara K., Kaczor A. Increased obesogenic action of palmitic acid during early stage of adipogenesis, BBA – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids.
- Kierońska-Rudek A., Kij A., Bar A., Kurpinska., Mohaissen T., Grosicki M., Stojak M., Sternak M., Buczek E., Poniewierski B., Kus K., Suraj-Prazmowska J., Panek A., Pietrowska M., Zapotoczny Sz., Shanahan C.M, Szabo C., Chlopicki S. Phylloquinone improvws endothelial function, inhibits cellular senescence, and vascular inflamations, GeroScience.
- Domagala A., Buda Sz., Baranska M., Zajac G. Gluthatione and its structural modifications recognized by Raman Optical Activity and Circularly Polarized Luminescence, Spectrochimicsa Acta – Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy.
- Olkowicz M., Karas A., Berkowicz P., Kaczara P., Jasztal A., Kurylowicz Z., Fedak F., Rosales-Solano H., Kanchan Sinha Roy, Kij A., Buczek E., Pawliszyn J., Chlopicki S., Upregulation of ALOX12− 12-HETE pathway impairs AMPK-dependent modulation of vascular metabolism in ApoE/LDLR−/− mice, Pharmacological Research.
- Czyzynska‑Cichon I., Kotlinowski J., Blacharczyk O., Giergiel M., Szymanowski K., Metwally S., Wojnar‑Lason K., Dobosz E., Koziel J., Lekka M., Chlopicki S., Zapotoczny B., Early and late phases of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC) defenestration in mouse model of systemic inflammation, Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters.
- Dutka M., Garczorz W., Kosowska A., Buczek E., Godek P., Wojakowski W., Francuz T., Osteoprotegerin Is Essential for the Development of Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Angiotensin II in Mice, International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Pelesz A., Rafa-Zablocka K., Kaczara P., Chlopicki S., Przyborowski K., Protein disulfide isomerase 1 (PDIA1) regulates platelet-derived extracellular vesicle release, Thrombosis Research.
Publikacje – prace poglądowe / komentarze
- Stanek E., Czamara K. Imaging of perivascular adipose tissue in cardiometabolic diseases by Raman spectroscopy: Towards single-cell analysis, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids.
- Smeda M., E. H. Maleki, Jasztal A., A possible role of plasmin-dependent activation of TGF-β in cancer-associated thrombosis: Implications for therapy, Cancer Metastasis Rev.
- Chorąży N, Wojnar-Lasoń K., Sternak M., Pacia M., Vascular inflammation and biogenesis of lipid droplets; what is the link?, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease.
Publikacje – prace oryginalne
- Berkowicz P., Totoń-Żurańska J., Kwiatkowski G., Jasztal A., Csípő T., Kuś K., Tyrankewicz U., Orzyłowska A., Wołkow P., Tóth A., Chlopicki S., Accelerated ageing and coronary microvascular dysfunction in chronic heart failure in Tgαq*44 mice, GeroScience.
- Pacia M.Z, Chorazy N. Sternak M. Wojnar-Lason K, Chlopicki S., Vascular lipid droplets formed in response to TNF, hypoxia or OA: biochemical composition and prostacyclin generation, Journal of Lipid Reserach.
- Franczyk-Żarów M, Tarko T, Drahun-Misztal A, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Kus E, Kostogrys RB, Pomegranate Seed Oil as a Source of Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLnA) Has No Effect on Atherosclerosis Development but Improves Lipid Profile and Affects the Expression of Lipid Metabolism Genes in apoE/LDLR−/− Mice., International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Borek-Dorosz A., Pieczara A., Orleanska J., Brzozowski K, Tipping W., Graham D., Bik E., Kubrak A., Baranska M., Majzner K., Raman microscopy reveals how cell inflammation activates glucose and lipid metabolism, BBA Molecular Cell Research, January 2024, 119575.
- Pieczara A., Borek-Dorosz A., Buda S., Tipping W., Duncan G., Pawlowski R., Mlynarski J., Barańska M., Modified glucose as a sensor to track the metabolism of individual living endothelial cells – Observation of the 1602 cm−1 band called “Raman spectroscopic signature of life”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics.
- Mojsa-Kaja J., Szklarczyk-Smolana K., Niedzielska-Andres E., Kurpińska A., Suraj-Prażmowska J., Walczak M., COVID-19-related social isolation and symptoms of depression and anxiety in young men in Poland: Does insomnia mediate the relationship?, PLOS ONE, 2023, 18(5), e0285797.
- Grandys M, Majerczak J, Frolow M, Sztefko K, Chlopicki S, Zoladz JA. Age-related decrease in serum dihydrotestosterone concentration is accompanied by impaired vascular status. Exp Gerontol. 2023 Mar;173:112104.
- Grandys M, Majerczak J, Frolow M, Chlopicki S, Zoladz JA. Training-induced impairment of endothelial function in track and field female athletes. Sci Rep. 2023 Mar 1;13(1):3502.
- Zelencova-Gopejenko D, Andrianov V, Domracheva I, Kanepe-Lapsa I, Milczarek M, Stojak M, Przyborowski K, Fedak FA, Walczak M, Kramkowski K, Wietrzyk J, Chlopicki S, Kalvins I. Aromatic sulphonamides of aziridine-2-carboxylic acid derivatives as novel PDIA1 and PDIA3 inhibitors. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2023 Dec;38(1):2158187.
- Rolski F, Tkacz K, Węglarczyk K, Kwiatkowski G, Pelczar P, Jaźwa-Kusior A, Bar A, Kuster GM, Chłopicki S, Siedlar M, Kania G, Błyszczuk P. TNF-α protects from exacerbated myocarditis and cardiac death by suppressing expansion of activated heart-reactive CD4+ T cells. Cardiovasc Res. 2023 Oct 25:cvad158.
- Wurm L. M. , B. Fischer, Neuschmelting V, Reinecke D., Fischer I., Croner R.S., R. Goldbrunner, Hacker M. C., J. Dybaś J. and Kahlert U. D., Rapid, label-free classification of glioblastoma differentiation status combining confocal Raman spectroscopy and machine learning, Analyst, Royal Society of Chemis-try, Analyst.
- Alcicek S., Put P., Kubrak A., Alcicek F. C., Danila B., Gloeggler S., Dybas J., Pustelny S., Zero- to low-field relaxometry of chemical and biological fluids, Communications Chemistry,
2023, 6, 1. - Kumar V., Reichenauer T., Supovec L., Jansen D., Brodt N., Zając G., Domagała A., Barańska M., Niemeyer J. Schlücker S., Towards Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering-Raman Optical Activity for Reaction Monitoring in Organocatalysis: Chiral Vibrational Signatures of the Two Atropisomers (R)- and (S)-MOM-BINOL in Solution. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2023, 54, 1011–1020.
- Radwan B., Prabhakaran A., Rocchetti S., Matuszyk E., Keyes E. T., Baranska M., Uptake and anti-inflammatory effects of liposomal astaxanthin on endothelial cells tracked by Raman and fluorescence imaging, Mikrochim Acta. 2023 Jul 27;190(8):332.
- Stepanenko T., Sofińska K., Wilkosz N.,W.Dybas J., Wiercigroch E., Bulat K., Szczesny-Malysiak E., Skirlińska-Nosek K., Seweryn S., Chwiej J., Lipiec E., Marzec K. M. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) in label-free characterization of erythrocyte membranes and extracellular vesicles at the nano-scale and molecular level. Analyst. 2023 Dec 18.
- Mohaissen T., Kij A., Bar A., Marczyk B., Wojnar-Lason K., Buczek E., Karas A., Garcia-Redondo A.B., Briones A.M., Chlopicki S., Chymase – Independent vascular Ang 1-12/Ang II pathway and TXA2 generation are involved in endothelial dysfunction in the murine model of heart failure, Eur J Pharmacol. 2023 Dec 27:176296.
Publikacje – prace poglądowe / komentarze
- Grabowska I., Zapotoczny S., Chlopicki S., Multiplex electrochemical aptasensors for detection of endothelial dysfunction: Ready for prime time? TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 169, December 2023, 117372.
Publikacje – prace oryginalne
- Alcicek F.C., Blat A., Rutkowska W., Bulat K., Szczesny-Malysiak E., Franczyk-Zarow M., Kostogrys R., Dybas J., Marzec K.M., Secondary structure alterations of RBC assessed by FTIR-ATR in correlation to 2,3-DPG levels in ApoE/LDLR–/– Mice, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy.
- Alcicek F.C., Mohaissen T., Bulat K., Dybas J., Szczesny-Malysiak E., Kaczmarska M., Franczyk-Zarow M., Kostogrys R., Marzec K.M., Sex-Specific Differences of Adenosine Triphosphate Levels in Red Blood Cells Isolated From ApoE/LDLR Double-Deficient Mice Frontiers in Physiology.
- Bik E., Orleanska J., Mateuszuk L., Baranska M., Majzner K., Chlopicki S., Raman and fluorescence imaging of phospholipidosis induced by cationic amphiphilic drugs in endothelial cells, Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res.
- Borek-Dorosz A., Pieczara A., Czamara K., Stojak M., Matuszyk E., Majzner K., Brzozowski K., Bresci A., Polli D., Baranska M., What is ability of inflamed endothelium to uptake exogenous saturated fatty acids? A proof-of-concept study using spontaneous Raman, SRS and CARS microscopy, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2022) 79:383.
- Cosgun Z.C.; Sternak M.; Fels B; Bar A.; Kwiatkowski G; Pacia M.Z.; Herrnböck L.; Lindemann M.; Stegbauer J.; Höges S.; Chlopicki S.; Kusche-Vihrog K., Rapid shear stress-dependent ENaC membrane insertion is mediated by the endothelial glycocalyx and the mineralocorticoid receptor, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2022) 79:383.
- Dybas J., A. Wajda, F. Celal Alcicek, M. Kaczmarska, K. Bulat, E. Szczesny-Malysiak, A. Martyna, D. Perez-Guaita, T. Sacha, K. M. Marzec, Label-free testing strategy to evaluate packed red blood cell quality before transfusion to leukemia patients, Scientific Reports.
- Frenis K, Sanela Kalinovic, Benjamin P Ernst, Miroslava Kvandova, Ahmad Al Zuabi , Marin Kuntic, Matthias Oelze, Paul Stamm, Maria Teresa Bayo Jimenez, Agnieszka Kij, Karin Keppeler, Veronique Klein, Lea Strohm, Henning Ubbens, Steffen Daub, Omar Hahad, Swenja Kröller-Schön, Michael J Schmeisser, Stefan Chlopicki, Jonas Eckrich, Sebastian Strieth, Andreas Daiber, Sebastian Steven, Thomas Münzel, Long-Term Effects of Aircraft Noise Exposure on Vascular Oxidative Stress, Endothelial Function and Blood Pressure: No Evidence for Adaptation or Tolerance Development, Front Mol Biosci, 2022 Jan 31;8:814921.
- Giergiel M., Zapotoczny B., Czyzynska-Cichon I., Konior J., Szymonski M., AFM image analysis of porous structures by means of neural networks, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control.
- Kunstman, G., Kunstman, P., Lasyk, Ł., Nowak, J. S., Stępowska, A., Kowalczyk, W., Dybas, J.; Szczęsny-Małysiak, E., Nondestructive Detection Method for the Calcium and Nitrogen Content of Living Plants Based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Using Multispectral Images, Agriculture.
- Kurpińska A, Suraj-Prażmowska J, Stojak M, Jarosz J, Mateuszuk Ł, Niedzielska-Andres E, Smolik M, Wietrzyk J, Kalvins I, Walczak M, Chłopicki S., Comparison of anti-cancer effects of novel protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) inhibitors in breast cancer cells characterized by high and low PDIA17 expression, Cancer Cell Int. 2022, 22(1).
- Machalska E., Zając G., Baranska M., Bouř P., Kaczorek D., Kawęcki R., Rode J. E., Lyczko K., Dobrowolski J. Cz., New chiral ECD-Raman spectroscopy of atropisomeric naphthalenediimides, Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 4524-4527.
- Machalska E., Zając G., Rode J. E., Chirality transfer observed in Raman optical activity spectra, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2022, 281, 121604.
- Majerczak J, Agnieszka Kij,Hanna Drzymala-Celichowska, Kamil Kus, Janusz Karasinski, Zenon Nieckarz, Marcin Grandys, Jan Celichowski, Zbigniew Szkutnik, Ulrike B. Hendgen-Cotta, Jerzy A. Zoladz, Nitrite Concentration in the Striated Muscles Is Reversely Related to Myoglobin and Mitochondrial Proteins Content in Rats, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(5), 2686.
- Majka Z., Czamara K., Janus J., Kepczynski M., Kaczor A., PROMINENT HYPERTROPHY OF PERIVASCULAR ADIPOCYTES DUE TO SHORT-TERM HIGH FAT DIET, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease 2022, 1868, 2, 166315.
- Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K., Kij A., Olkowicz M., Fels B., Kusche-Vihrog K., Walczak M., Chlopicki S., Simultaneous quantification of selected glycosaminoglycans by butanolysis-based derivatization and LC-SRM/MS analysis for assessing glycocalyx disruption in vitro and in vivo, Talanta. 2022 Feb; 238.
- Olkowicz M, Ribeiro RVP, Yu F, Alvarez JS, Xin L, Yu M, Rosales R, Adamson MB, Bissoondath V, Smolenski RT, Billia F, Badiwala MV, Pawliszyn J. Dynamic Metabolic Changes During Prolonged Ex Situ Heart Perfusion Are Associated With Myocardial Functional Decline, Front Immunol.
- Olkowicz M, Rosales-Solano H, Ramadan K, Wang A, Cypel M, Pawliszyn J., The metabolic fate of oxaliplatin in the biological milieu investigated during in vivo lung perfusion using a unique miniaturized sampling approach based on solid-phase microextraction coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Front Cell Dev Biol. 10.3389/fcell.2022.928152
- Orlef A., E. Stanek, K. Czamara, A. Wajda, A. Kaczor, Formation of carotenoid supramolecular aggregates in nanocarriers monitored via aggregation-sensitive chiroptical output of enantiopure (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin, Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 9022-9025.
- Pacia M. Z. , N. Chorazy, M. Sternak, B. Fels, M. Pacia, M. Kepczynski, K. Kusche‑Vihrog, S. Chlopicki, Rac1 regulates lipid droplets formation, nanomechanical, and nanostructural changes induced by TNF in vascular endothelium in the isolated murine aorta, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2022) 79:383.
- Pieczara A., Matuszyk E., Szczesniak P., Mlynarski J., Baranska M., Changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential in endothelial cells can be detected by Raman microscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy.
- Polavarapu P. L., Johnson J. L., Raghavan V., Zając G., Baranska M., Vibrational Raman optical activity of diacetyl L-tartaric acid and corresponding surfactants: Sodium salts and shorter analogs of surfactants simplify the interpretations, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2022, 53, 1102–1114.
- Radwan, B.; Rocchetti, S.; Matuszyk, E.; Sternak, M.; Stodulski, M.; Pawlowski, R.; Mlynarski, J.; Brzozowski, K.; Chlopicki, S.; Baranska M., EdU sensing : the Raman way of following endothelial cell proliferation in vitro and ex vivo, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 10.1016/j.bios.2022.114624
- Sitarz K., Czamara K., Szostek S., Kaczor A., THE IMPACT OF HPV INFECTION ON HUMAN GLYCOGEN AND LIPID METABOLISM – A REVIEW Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Reviews on Cancer 1877, 1, 2022, 188646.
- Smeda M, Jasztal A, Maleki EH, Bar A, Sternak M, Kwiatkowski G, Suraj-Prazmowska J, Proniewski B, Kieronska-Rudek A, Wojnar-Lason K, Skrzypek K, Majka M, Chrabaszcz K, Malek K, Chlopicki S, Endothelial-mesenchymal transition induced by metastatic 4T1 breast cancer cells in pulmonary endothelium in aged mice, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.
- Smeda M, Stojak M, Przyborowski K, Sternak M, Suraj-Prazmowska J, Kus K, Derszniak K, Jasztal A, Kij A, Kurpinska A, Kieronska-Rudek A, Wojnar-Lason K, Buczek E, Mohaissen T, Chlopicki S, Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Dabigatran Compromises Pulmonary Endothelial Integrity in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Lungs; the Role of Platelets and Inflammation-Associated Haemostasis, Frontiers in Pharmacology.
- Stanek E., M. Z.Pacia, A.Kaczor, K.Czamara, The distinct phenotype of primary adipocytes and adipocytes derived from stem cells of white adipose tissue as assessed by Raman
and fluorescence imaging, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2022) 79:383. - Stepanenko, T., Zając, G., Czajkowski, A., Rutkowska, W., Górecki, A., Marzec, K. M., Dybas, J., Sulfhemoglobin under the spotlight – Detection and characterization of SHb and HbFeIII–SH, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Cell Research.
- Stępińska O, Dymkowska D, Mateuszuk Ł, Zabłocki K., Lipopolysaccharide affects energy metabolism and elevates nicotinamide N-methyltransferase level in human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC). Int J Biochem Cell Biol
- Zajac M., Zajac K., Dybas J. The effect of nitric oxide synthase and arginine on the color of cooked meat, „Food Chemistry, Elsevier, Food Chem. 2022, 373, 131503.”
Publikacje – prace poglądowe / komentarze
- Czamara K., Z. Majka, E. Stanek, N. Hachlica, A. Kaczor, Raman studies of the adipose tissue: Current state-of-art and future perspectives in diagnostics, Progress in Lipid Research 87 (2022).
- Dybas J., Alcicek F.C., Wajda A., Kaczmarska M., Zimna A., Bulat K., Blat A., Stepanenko T., Mohaissen T., Szczesny-Malysiak E., Perez-Guaita D., Wood B.R., Marzec K.M. Trends in biomedical analysis of red blood cells – Raman spectroscopy against other spectroscopic, microscopic and classical techniques, TrAC – Trends in Analytical Chemistry.
- Smęda M., Maleki E.H., Pełesz A., Chłopicki S., Platelets in COVID-19 disease: friend, foe, or both? Pharmacol Rep. 2022 Dec;74(6):1182-1197.
- Zając G., Bouř P., Measurement and Theory of Resonance Raman Optical Activity for Gases, Liquids, and Aggregates. What It Tells about Molecules Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2022, 126, 2, 355–367.
Rozdziały w książkach
- Kaczara P, Przyborowski K, Motterlini R, Chlopicki S, CO as an antiplatelet agent: an energy metabolism perspective, „Carbon Mooxide in Drug Discovery: Basics, Pharmacology, and Therapeutic Potential” B. Wang, L. Otterbein,Eds; John Wiley and Sons.
- Arena R, Bisogno S, Gasior L, Rudnicka J, Bernhardt L, Haaf T, Zacchini F, Bochenek M, Fic K, Bik E, Baranska M, Bodzon-Kulakowska A, Suder P, Depciuch J, Gurgul A, Polanski Z, Ptak GE. Lipid droplets in mammalian eggs are utilized during embryo pausing before implantation. PNAS.
- Bik E, Mateuszuk L, Orleanska J, Chlopicki S, Baranska M, Majzner K. Chloroquine-induced accumulation of autophagosomes and lipids in the endothelium, International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Blat A., Stepanenko T., Bulat K., Wajda A., Dybas J., Mohaissen T., Alcicek F.C., Szczesny-Malysiak E., Malek K., Fedorowicz A., Marzec K.M. Spectroscopic Signature of Red Blood Cells in the D-galactose-Induced Accelerated Aging Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Campagna R, Mateuszuk Ł, Wojnar-Lason K, Kaczara P, Tworzydło A, Kij A, Bujok R, Młynarski R, Wang Y, Sartini D, Emanuelli M, Chlopicki S, Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase in endothelium protects against oxidant stress-induced endothelial injury, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Cell Research.
- Chrabąszcz K, Kaminska K, Li Song C, Morikawa J, Kujdowicz M, Michalczyk E, Smeda M, Stojak M, Jasztal A, Kazarian SG, Malek K. Fourier Transform Infrared Polarization Contrast Imaging Recognizes Proteins Degradation in Lungs upon Metastasis from Breast Cancer, Cancers (Basal).
- Czamara K., Adamczyk A., Stojak M., Radwan B., Baranska M., Astaxanthin as a new Raman probe for biosensing of specific subcellular lipidic structures: can we detect lipids in cells under resonance conditions? Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences volume 78, pages3477–3484 (2021).
- Czamara K, Stojak M, Pacia MZ, Zieba A, Baranska M, Chlopicki S, Kaczor A., Lipid Droplets Formation Represents an Integral Component of Endothelial Inflammation Induced by LPS, Cells 2021, 10(6), 1403.
- Czyzynska-Cichon I, Janik-Hazuka M, Szafraniec-Szczęsny J, Jasinski K, Węglarz WP, Zapotoczny S, Chlopicki S, Low dose curcumin administered in hyaluronic acid – based nanocapsules induces hypotensive effect in hypertensive rats, Int J Nanomedicine. 2021;16:1377-1390.
- Dorosz A, Grosicki M, Dybas J, Matuszyk E, Rodewald M, Meyer-Zedler T, Schmitt M, Popp J, Malek K, Baranska M, Identification of inflammatory mark-ers in eosinophilic cells of the immune system. Fluorescence, Raman and CARS imaging can recognize markers but differently, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.
- Dybas J, Chiura T, Marzec KM, Mak PJ, Probing Heme Active Sites of Hemoglobin in Functional Red Blood Cells Using Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
- Kaczara P, Przyborowski K, Mohaissen T, Chlopicki S, Distinct pharmacological properties of gaseous CO and CO-releasing molecule in human platelets, International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Kieronska-Rudek A, Kij A, Kaczara P, Tworzydlo A, Napiorkowski M, Sidoryk K, Chlopicki S. Exogenous Vitamins K Exert Anti-Inflammatory Effects Dissociated from Their Role as Substrates for Synthesis of Endogenous MK-4 in Murine Macrophages Cell Line, Cells 2021, 10(7), 1571.
- Kij A., Bar A., Marczyk B., Przyborowski K., Proniewski B., Mateuszuk L., Jasztal A., Kieronska-Rudek A., Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K., Marczyk B., Tworzydlo A., Enggaard C., Lærkegaard Hansen P.B., Jensen B., Walczak M., Chlopicki S. Thrombin Inhibition Prevents Endothelial Dysfunction and Reverses 20-HETE Overproduction without Affecting Blood Pressure in Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension in Mice Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(16), 8664.
- Kotlinowski K., Hutsch T., Czyzynska-Cichon I., Wadowska M., Pydyn N., Jasztal A., Kij A., Dobosz E., Lech M., Miekus K., Pospiech W., Fu M., Jura J., Koziel J., Chlopicki S., Deletion of Mcpip1 in Mcpip1fl/flAlbCre mice recapitulates the phenotype of human primary biliary cholangitis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease; Volume 1867, Issue 5, 1 May 2021, 166086.
- Kwiatkowski G, Bar A, Jasztal A, Chłopicki S. MRI-based in vivo detection of coronary microvascular dysfunction before alterations in cardiac function induced by short-term high-fat diet in mice, Scientific Reports.
- Leszczenko P, Borek-Dorosz A, Nowakowska AM, Adamczyk A, Kashyrskaya S, JakubowskaJ, ZąbczyńskaM, Pastorczak A, Ostrowska K, BaranskaM, Marzec KM, Majzner K, Towards Raman-based screening of acute lymphoid leukemia-type B, Cancers, 2021.
- Machalska E, Zajac G., Wierzba A. J., Kapitán J., Andruniów T., Spiegel M., Gryko D., Bouř P., Baranska M., Recognition of the true and false resonance Raman optical activity, Angewandte Chemie.
- Machalska E, Hachlica N, Zajac G, Carraro D, Baranska M, Licini G, Bouř P, Zonta C, Kaczor A, Chiral recognition via a stereodynamic vanadium probe using the electronic circular dichroism effect in differential Raman scattering, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2021, 23, 23336–23340″. - Machalska E, Zajac G, Baranska M, Kaczore D, Kawecki R, Lipinski P, Rode J, Dobrowolski JC. On Raman optical activity sign-switching between the ground and excited states leading to an unusual resonance ROA induced chirality, Chem Science.
- Majka Z, Czamara K, Wegrzyn P, Litwinowicz R, Janus J, Chlopicki S, Kaczor A. A new approach to study human perivascular adipose tissue of internal mammary artery by fiber optic Raman spectroscopy supported by spectral modelling, Analyst. 2021 Jan 4;146(1):270-276.
- Matuszyk E, Adamczyk A, Radwan B, Kaminska K, Szczesniak P, Mlynarski J, Chlopicki S, Baranska M, Multiplex Raman imaging of organelles in endothelial cells, SAA.
- Mohaissen T., Proniewski B., Targosz‐Korecka M., Bar A., Kij A., Bulat K., Wajda A., Blat A., Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K., Grosicki M., Tworzydlo A., Sternak M., Rodrigues-Diez R., Wojnar-Lason K., Kubisiak A., Briones A., Marzec K.M., Chlopicki S., Temporal relationship between systemic endothelial dysfunction and alterations in erythrocyte function in a murine model of chronic heart failure, Cardiovascular Research.
- Olkowicz M, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Szupryczynska N, Kostogrys RB, Kochan Z, Debski J, Dadlez M, Chlopicki S, Smolenski RT. Multi-omic signatures of atherogenic dyslipidaemia: pre-clinical target identification and validation in humans. Journal of Translational Medicine (J Transl Med). 2021 Jan 6; 19(1):6.
- Olkowicz M, Tomczyk M, Debski J, Tyrankiewicz U, Przyborowski K, Borkowski T, Zabielska-Kaczorowska M, Szupryczynska N, Kochan Z, Smeda M, Dadlez M, Chlopicki S, Smolenski RT. Enhanced cardiac hypoxic injury in atherogenic dyslipidaemia results from alterations in the energy metabolism pattern. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental (Metabolism). 2021 Jan; 114:154400.
- Proniewski B, Bar A, Kieronska-Rudek A, Suraj-Prażmowska J, Buczek E, Czamara K, Majka Z, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Kwiatkowski G, Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K, Chlopicki S., Systemic Administration of Insulin Receptor Antagonist Results in Endothelial and Perivascular Adipose Tissue Dysfunction in Mice, Cells. 2021 Jun 9;10(6):1448.
- Przyborowski K, Kurpinska A, Wojkowska D, Kaczara P, Suraj-Prazmowska J, Karolczak K, Malinowska A, Pelesz A, Kij A, Kalvins I, Watala C, Chlopicki S, Protein disulfide isomerase-A1 regulates intraplatelet reactive oxygen species–thromboxane A2-dependent pathway in human platelets, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
- Smierciak N, Krzysciak W, Szwajca M, Szczesny-Malysiak E, Kij A, Chlopicki S, Pilecki M. Improvement in clinical symptoms in patients with the first episode of psychosis is associated with a decrease in systemic nitric oxide availability. A pilot study. Psychiatria Polska.
- Stamm P, Oelze M, Steven S, Kröller-Schön S, Kvandova M, Kalinovic S, Jasztal A, Kij A, Kuntic M, Bayo JimenezMT, Proniewski B, Huige Li, Schulz E, Chlopicki S, Daiber A, Münzel T, Direct comparison of inorganic nitrite and nitrate on vascular dysfunction and oxidative damage in experimental arterial hypertension, Nitric Oxide, 2021 Jun 4;113-114:57-69.
- Szczesny-Malysiak E., Mohaissen T., Bulat K., Kaczmarska M., Wajda A., Marzec K.M., Sex-dependent membranopathy in stored human red blood cells, Haematologica.
- Tyrankiewicz U, Olkowicz M, Berkowicz P, Jablonska M, Skorka T, Smolenski RT, Zoladz JA, Chlopicki S., Physical activity and ACE-I additively modulate angiotensins in heart failure in mice, Frontiers in Pharmacology.
- Matthijs J van Haren, Gao Y, Buijs N, Campagna R, Sartini D, Emanuelli M, Mateuszuk L, Kij A, Chlopicki S, Paul Escudé Martinez de Castilla, Schiffelers R, Martin NI, Esterase-Sensitive Prodrugs of a Potent Bisubstrate Inhibitor of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT) Display Cellular Activity, Biomolecules. 2021 Sep 14;11(9):1357.
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- Maria Walczak, Joanna Suraj-Prażmowska, Kamil Kuś, Agnieszka Kij, Grażyna Groszek, A preliminary metabolites identification of novel compound with β-adrenolytic activity, Pharmacol Rep. 2021 Oct;73(5):1373-1389.
- Yang, Tingxiang; Chettri, Avniash; Basseem R; Matuszyk E; Baranska M; Dietzek B, Monitoring Excited-State Relaxation in a Molecular Marker in live cells – a Case Study on Astaxanthin, ChemmComm.
- Zając Z, Bouř P, Measurement and Theory of Resonance Raman Optical Activity for Gases, Liquids, and Aggregates. What It Tells about Molecules Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021.
- Zimna A., Kaczmarska M., Szczesny-Malysiak E., Wajda A., Bulat K., Alcicek F. C. , Zygmunt M., Sacha T., MarzecK.M., An insight into the stages of ion leakage during red blood cell storage, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021,22, 2885.
Publikacje – prace poglądowe / komentarze
- Adamczyk A, Matuszyk E, Radwan B, Rocchetti S, Chlopicki S, Baranska M, Towards Raman subcellular imaging on endothelial dysfunction, J Med Chem.
- Bar A, Kieronska-Rudek A, Proniewskia B, Suraj-Prażmowska J, Czamara K, Marczyk B, Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K, Jasztal A, Kuś E, Majka Z, Kaczor A , Kurpińska A, Walczak M, Pieterman E, Princen HMG, Chlopicki S, In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Detection of Heterogeneous Endothelial Response in Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta to Short-Term High-Fat Diet Ascribed to Differences in Perivascular Adipose Tissue in Mice, J Am Heart Assoc, DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.120.016929
- Bik E, Dorosz A, Mateuszuk L, Baranska M, Majzner K. Fixed versus live: the effect of glutaraldehyde fixation on endothelial cells monitored by Raman imaging Spectrochimica Acta A, DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118460.
- Bik E, Ishigaki M, Blat A, Jasztal A, Ozaki Y, Malek K , Baranska M. Lipid droplets composition varies upon Medaka fish eggs development as revealed by NIR-, MIR- and Raman imaging Molecules
- Bik E, Mateuszuk L, Stojak M, Chlopicki S, Baranska M, Majzner K, Menadione-induced endothelial inflammation detected by Raman spectroscopy, BBA – Molecular Cell Research
- Bulat K, Dybas J, Kaczmarska M, Rygula A, Jasztal A, Szczesny-Malysiak E, Baranska M, Wood BR, Marzec KM. Multimodal detection and analysis of a new type of advanced Heinz body-like aggregate (AHBA) and cytoskeleton deformation in human RBCs Analyst, DOI:10.1039/C9AN01707K
- Chrabaszcz K, Kaminska K, Augustyniak K, Kujdowicz M, Smeda M, Jasztal A, Stojak M, Marzec KM, Malek K. Tracking extracellular matrix remodeling in lungs induced by breast cancer metastasis. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopic studies Molecules 2020;25:236.
- Chrabaszcz K., Meyer T.,Bae H., Schmitt M., Jasztal A., Smeda M., Stojak M., J. Popp, K. Malek, K. M. Marzec, Comparison of standard and HD FT-IR with multimodal CARS/TPEF/SHG/FLIMS imaging in the detection of the early stage of pulmonary metastasis of murine breast cancer, Analyst 2020
- Czamara K, Kopytek M, Szulczewska M, Kaczor A, Natorska J. Phospholipids accumulation and calcification in cultured primary human aortic valve interstitial cells: new insights revealed by confocal Raman imaging Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2020;51:104–114
- Czamara K, Majka Z, Sternak M, Koziol M, Kostogrys R. B., Chlopicki S, Kaczor A. Distinct Chemical Changes in Abdominal but not in Thoracic Aorta upon Atherosclerosis Studied Using Fiber Optic Raman Spectroscopy, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms21144838
- Czamara K, Filipek A, Stojak M, Radwan B, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Astaxanthin as a new Raman probe for biosensing of speciftc subcellular lipidic structures – can we detect lipids in cells under resonance conditions? Cellular and Moleculular Life Sciences
- Daiber A, Chlopicki S. Revisiting pharmacology of oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease: Evidence for redox-based therapies. Free Radic Biol Med. 2020
- Dorosz A, Grosicki M, Dybaś J, Matuszyk E, Rodewald M, Meyer T, Chlopicki S, Popp J, Malek K, Baranska M. Eosinophils and Neutrophils—Molecular Differences Revealed by Spontaneous Raman, CARS and Fluorescence Microscopy, Cells, DOI: 10.3390/cells9092041.
- Dybas J, Bokamper MJ, Marzec KM, Mak PJ. Probing the structure-function relationship of hemoglobin in living human red blood cells, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118530.
- Dybas J, Bulat K, Blat A, Mohaissen T, Mardyla M, Kaczmarska M, Wajda A, Malek K, Chlopicki S, Marzec KM, Age–related and atherosclerosis–related erythropathy in ApoE/LDLR−/− mice, BBA – Molecular Basis of Disease, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2020.165972
- Grosicki M, Adami M, Micheloni C, Głuch-Lutwin M, Siwek A, Latacz G, Łażewska D, Więcek M, Reiner D, Stark H, Chlopicki S, Kieć-Kononowicz K., Eosinophils adhesion assay as a tool for phenotypic drug screening – The pharmacology of 1,3,5 – Triazine and 1h-indole like derivatives against the human histamine H4 receptor. Eur J Pharmacol. 2020 Oct 2:173611. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173611.
- Helmstädter J, Frenis K, Filippou K, Grill A, Dib M, Kalinovic S, Pawelke F, Kus K, Kröller-Schön S, Oelze M, Chlopicki S, Schuppan D, Wenzel P, Ruf W, Drucker DJ, Münzel T, Daiber A, Steven S., Endothelial GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) Receptor Mediates Cardiovascular Protection by Liraglutide In Mice With Experimental Arterial Hypertension. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2020;40(1):145-158. doi:10.1161/atv.0000615456.97862.30
- Fornasaro S, Baia M, Beleites C, Byrne H J, Chiadò A, Chis M, Chisanga M, Daniel A, Dybas J, Batista de Carvalho L A E, G. Eppe G, Falgayrac G, Gebavi H, Giorgis F, Goodacre R, Gracie K, P. La Manna P, S. Laing S, L. Litti L, F.M. Lyng F M, S. Mabbott S, K. Malek K, Malherbe C, Marques M P M, Meneghetti M, Mitri E,Grosev V M, Morasso C, Muhamadali H, Musto P, Novara C, Pannico M, Penel G, Piot O, Rindzevicius T, Rusu E, Schmidt M S, Sergo V, Sockalingum G D, Untereiner V,Vanna R, Wiercigroch E, Bonifacio A. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for quantitative analysis: results of a large-scale European multi-instrument interlaboratory study. Analytical Chemistry, 2020.
- Johnson J L, Zajac G, Baranska M, Polavarapu P L. Vibrational Raman Optical Activity of Camphor: The importance of Electric-Dipole—Electric-Quadrupole Polarizability contribution Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2020;1–11.
- Kaczara P, Sitek B, Przyborowski K, Kurpinska A, Kus K, Stojak M, Chlopicki S, Antiplatelet effect of carbon monoxide is mediated by NAD+ and ATP depletion, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 40 (10), 2376-2390
- Kaczmarska M, Grosicki M, Bulat K, Mardyla M, Szczesny-Malysiak E, Blat A, Dybas J, Sacha T, Marzec KM Temporal sequence of the human RBCs’ vesiculation observed in nano-scale with application of AFM and complementary techniques Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2020
- Kij A, Kus K, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Chlopicki S, Walczak M. Development and validation of a rapid, specific and sensitive LC-MS/MS bioanalytical method for eicosanoid quantification – assessment of arachidonic acid metabolic pathway activity in hypertensive rats, Biochimie. 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.03.010
- Kopacz A, Kloska D, Proniewski B, Cysewski D, Personnic N, Piechota-Polanczyk A, Kaczara P, Zakrzewska A, Forman HJ, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A, Grochot-Przeczek A. Keap1 controls protein S-nitrosylation and apoptosis-senescence switch in endothelial cells. Redox Biology 2020;28:101304.
- Machalska E, Zajac G, Gruca A, Zobi F, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Resonance Raman Optical Activity shows unusual structural sensitivity for systems in resonance with multiple excited states: vitamin B12 case. J. Phys Chem Lett. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c01218.
- Machalska E, Zajac G, Halat M, Wierzba AJ, Gryko D, Baranska M. Resonance Raman Optical Activity Spectroscopy in Probing Structural Changes Invisible to Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy: A study on Truncated Vitamin B12 Derivatives. Molecules. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25194386.
- Majka Z, Czamara K, Wegrzyn P, Litwinowicz R, Janus J, Chlopicki S, Kaczor A. A new approach to study human perivascular adipose tissue of internal mammary artery by fiber optic Raman spectroscopy supported by spectral modelling. Analyst. DOI: 10.1039/d0an01868f.
- Mateuszuk L, Campagna R, Kutryb-Zając B, Kuś K, Słominska EM, Smolenski RT, Chlopicki S, Reversal of endothelial dysfunction by nicotinamide mononucleotide via extracellular conversion to nicotinamide riboside, Biochemical Pharmacology
- Matuszyk E, Sierka E, Rodewald M, Bae H, Meyer T, Kus E, Chlopicki S, Schmitt M, Popp J, Baranska M. Differential response of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells and hepatocytes to oleic and palmitic acid revealed by Raman and CARS imaging. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease, 2020.
- B. Radwan, A. Adamczyk, S. Tott, K. Czamara, K. Kaminska, E. Matuszyk, M. Baranska. Labelled vs label-free imaging of lipids in endothelial cells of various origin, Molecules
- Pacia MZ, Sternak M, Mateuszuk L, Stojak M, Kaczor A, Chlopicki S. Heterogeneity of chemical composition of lipid droplets in endothelial inflammation and apoptosis. BBA – Molecular Cell Research 2020.
- Sitarz K, Czamara K, Bialecka J, Klimek M, Zawilinska B, Szostek S, Kaczor A, HPV Infection Significantly Accelerates Glycogen Metabolism in Cervical Cells with Large Nuclei: Raman Microscopic Study with Subcellular Resolution, International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Smeda M, Chlopicki S Endothelial barrier integrity in COVID-19-dependent hyperinflammation; does the protective facet of platelet function matter? Cardiovascular Res. DOI: 10.1093/cvr/cvaa190
- Smeda M, Przyborowski K, Stojak M, Chlopicki S. The endothelial barrier and cancer metastasis: Does the protective facet of platelet function matter? Biochem Pharmacology 2020.
- Smeda M, Kij A, Proniewski B, Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K, Przyborowski K, Jasztal A, Derszniak K, Berkowicz P, Kieronska-Rudek A, Stojak M, Sternak M, Chlopicki S. Unexpected effects of long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid on late phase of pulmonary metastasis in murine model of orthotopic breast cancer.
PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230520. - Steven S, Frenis K, Kalinovic S, Kvandova M, Oelze M, Helmstädter J, Hahad O, Filippou K, Kus K, Trevisan C, Schlüter KD, Boengler K, Chlopicki S, Frauenknecht K, Schulz R, Sorensen M, Daiber A, Kröller-Schön S, Münzel T. Exacerbation of adverse cardiovascular effects of aircraft noise in an animal model of arterial hypertension. Redox Biol. 2020;34:101515. DOI:10.1016/j.redox.2020.101515.
- Stojak M, Milczarek M, Kurpinska A, Suraj-Prazmowska J, Kaczara P, Wojnar-Lason K, Banach J, Stachowicz-Suhs M, Rossowska J, Kalviņš I, Wietrzyk J, Chlopicki S. Protein disulphide isomerase A1 is involved in the regulation of breast cancer cell adhesion and transmigration via lung microvascular endothelial cells. Cancers. DOI: 10.3390/cancers12102850.
- Swit P, Kaminska K, Herian M. Bioanalytical methodology for determination of glutamate and aspartate for use in pharmacological sciences with application of Integrated Calibration Method Talanta 2020.
- Szczesny-Malysiak E, Stojak M, Campagna R, Grosicki M, Jamrozik M, Kaczara P, Chlopicki S. Bardoxolone methyl displays detrimental effects on endothelial bioenergetics, suppresses endothelial Et-1 release, and increases endothelial permeability in human microvascular endothelium. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. DOI: 10.1155/2020/4678252.
- Szczęsny-Małysiak E, Dybas J, Blat A, Bulat K, Kuś K, Kaczmarska M, Wajda A, Malek K, Chlopicki S, Marzec KM. Irreversible alterations in the hemoglobin structure affect oxygen binding in human packed red blood cells. BBA – Molecular Cell Research 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2020.118803
- Pacia MZ, Majzner K, Czamara K, Sternak M, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Estimation of the content of lipids composing endothelial lipid droplets based on Raman imaging Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. 10.1016/j.bbalip.2020.158758
Rozdziały w książkach
- Smeda M, Grosicki M, Chlopicki S. Local and systemic endothelial cell response to cancer: RKIP-mimetic therapy and endothelial safety. Chapter 13 in Prognostic and Therapeutic Applications of RKIP in Cancer, 227-255.
- Majzner K, Czamara K, Pacia M Z, Dybas J, Bik E, Chrabaszcz K, Wiercigroch E, Dorosz A, Wislocka A, Marzec K M, Malek K, Baranska M. Vibrational imaging of proteins; changes in the tissues and cells in life style diseases studies chapter in Vibrational Spectroscopy in Protein, Elsevier
- B.R. Wood, K. Kochan, K.M. Marzec, Resonance Raman spectroscopy of haem complexes in red blood cells chapter 13 in Vibrational Spectroscopy in Protein, Elsevier, edytorzy: Ozaki, Baranska, Lednev, Wood
- Augustyniak K, Chrabaszcz K, Jasztal A, Smeda M, Quintas G, Kuligowski J, Marzec KM, Malek K. High- and Ultra-High definition of IR spectral histopathology gives an insight into chemical environment of lung metastases in breast cancer J. Biophotonics 2019;12(4),e201800345.
- Bar A, Kus K, Manterys A, Proniewski B, Sternak M, Przyborowski K, Moorlag M, Sitek B, Marczyk B, Jasztal A, Skórka T, Franczyk-Żarów M, Kostogrys RB, Chlopicki S. Vitamin K2-MK-7 improves nitric oxide-dependent endothelial function in ApoE/LDLR-/- mice. Vasc Pharmacol 2019.
- Bar A, Targosz-Korecka M, Suraj J, Proniewski B, Jasztal A, Marczyk B, Sternak M, Przybyło M, Kurpinska A, Walczak M, Kostogrys R.B, Szymonski M, Chlopicki S. Degradation of Glycocalyx and Multiple Manifestations of Endothelial Dysfunction Coincide in the Early Phase of Endothelial Dysfunction Before Atherosclerotic Plaque Development in Apolipoprotein E– and 1 Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor–Deficient Double-Knockout Mice J Am Heart Assoc 2019.
- Bardi E, Majerczak J, Zoladz JA, Tyrankiewicz U, Skorka T, Chlopicki S, Jablonska M, Bar A, Jasinski K, Buso A, Salvadego D, Nieckarz Z, Grassi B, Bottinelli R, Pellegrino MA. Voluntary physical activity counteracts Chronic Heart Failure progression affecting both cardiac function and skeletal muscle in the transgenic Tgαq*44 mouse model Physiol Rep 2019 Aug;7(13):e14161.
- Berkowicz P, Kij A, Walczak M, Chlopicki S. Eicosanoid profiling in effluent of isolated perfused heart of Tgαq*44 mice with advanced heart failure. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019 Feb;70(1).
- Bik E, Mielniczek N, Jarosz M, Denbigh J, Budzyńska R, Baranska M, Majzner K. Tunicamycin induced endoplasmatic reticulum changes in endothelial cells investigated in vitro by confocal Raman imaging. Analyst 2019;144:6561-6569
- Blat A, Dybas J, Chrabaszcz K, Bulat K, Jasztal A, Kaczmarska M, Popiela T, Slowik A, Malek K, Adamski MG, Marzec KM. FTIR, Raman and AFM characterization of the clinically valid biochemical parameters of the thrombi in acute ischemic stroke. Sci. Rep. 2019;9:15475.
- Blat A, Dybas J, Kaczmarska M, Chrabaszcz K, Bulat K, Kostogrys RB, Cernescu A, Malek K, Marzec KM. An Analysis of Isolated and Intact RBC Membranes – a Comparison of a Semiquantitative Approach by Means of FTIR, Nano-FTIR and Raman Spectroscopies. Anal. Chem. 2019;91:9867-9874.
- Blat A, Wiercigroch E, Smeda M, Wislocka A, Chlopicki S, Malek K. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic signature of blood plasma in the progression of breast cancer with simultaneous metastasis to lungs. J Biophotonics 2019;12(10).
- Czamara K, Karnas E, Majka Z, Wojcik T, Zuba-Surma E, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Impact of cell cycle dynamics on pathology recognition: Raman imaging study. Journal of Biophotonics 2019;12(2),e201800152.
- Derszniak K, Przyborowski K, Matyjaszczyk K, Moorlag M, De Laat B, Nowakowska M, Chlopicki S. Comparison of effects of anti-thrombin aptamers HD1 and HD22 on aggregation of human platelets, thrombin generation, fibrin formation, and thrombus formation under flow conditions. Front. Pharmacol. 2019 10:68
- Dudek M, Machalska E, Oleszkiewicz T, Grzebelus E, Baranski R, Szcześniak P, Mlynarski J, Zajac G, Kaczor A, Baranska M. Chiral Amplification in Nature: Cell-extracted Chiral Carotenoid Microcrystals Studied Via RROA of Model Systems. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2019;58:8383–8388
- Dudek M, Zajac G, Szafraniec E, Wiercigroch E, Tott S, Malek K, Kaczor A, Baranska M. Raman Optical Activity and Raman spectroscopy of carbohydrates in solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 2019;206:597-612
- Kurpińska A, Suraj J, Bonar E, Zakrzewska A, Stojak M, Sternak M, Jasztal A, Walczak M. Proteomic characterization of early lung response to breast cancer metastasis in mice. Exp Mol Pathol 2019;107:129-140.
- Kus E, Kaczara P, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Szafranska K, Zapotoczny B, Kij A, Sowinska A, Kotlinowski J, Mateuszuk L, Czarnowska E, Szymonski M, Chlopicki S. LSEC Fenestrae Are Preserved Despite Pro-inflammatory Phenotype of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells in Mice on High Fat Diet. Front Physiol 2019;10:6.
- Kutryb-Zajac B, Jablonska P, Serocki M, Bulinska A, Mierzejewska P, Friebe D, Alter C, Jasztal A, Lango R, Rogowski J, Bartoszewski R, Slominska EM, Chlopicki S, Schrader J, Yacoub MH, Smolenski RT. Nucleotide ecto-enzyme metabolic pattern and spatial distribution in calcific aortic valve disease; its relation to pathological changes and clinical presentation. Clin Res Cardiol 2019.
- Kutryb-Zajac B, Mierzejewska P, Sucajtys-Szulc E, Bulinska A, Zabielska MA, Jablonska P, Serocki M, Koszalka P, Milczarek R, Jasztal A, Bartoszewski R, Chlopicki S, Slominska EM, Smolenski RT. Inhibition of LPS-stimulated ecto-adenosine deaminase attenuates endothelial cell activation. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2019;128:62-76.
- Maack C, Eschenhagen T, Hamdani N, Heinze FR, Lyon AR, Manstein DJ, Metzger J, Papp Z, Tocchetti CG, Yilmaz MB, Anker SD, Balligand J-, Bauersachs J, Brutsaert D, Carrier L, Chlopicki S, Cleland JG, De Boer RA, Dietl A, Fischmeister R, Harjola V-, Heymans S, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Holzmeister J, De Keulenaer G, Limongelli G, Linke WA, Lund LH, Masip J, Metra M, Mueller C, Pieske B, Ponikowski P, Risti A, Ruschitzka F, Seferovi PM, Skouri H, Zimmermann WH, Mebazaa A. Treatments targeting inotropy. Eur Heart J 2019;40(44):3626-3640D.
- Maase M, Rygula A, Pacia MZ, Proniewski B, Mateuszuk L, Sternak M, Kaczor A, Chlopicki S, Kusche-Vihrog K. Combined Raman- and AFM-based detection of biochemical and nanomechanical features of endothelial dysfunction in aorta isolated from ApoE/LDLR-/- mice. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2019;16:97-105
- Majerczak J, Grandys M, Frołow M, Szkutnik Z, Zakrzewska A, Niżankowski R, Duda K, Chlopicki S, Zoladz JA. Age-dependent impairment in endothelial function and arterial stiffness in former high class male athletes is no different to that in men with no history of physical training. J Am Heart Assoc 2019;8(18):e012670.
- Matyjaszczyk-Gwarda K, Wójcik T, Łukawska M, Chlopicki S, Walczak M. Lipophilicity profiling of anthracycline antibiotics by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography–effects on cardiotoxicity and endotheliotoxicity. Electrophoresis 2019;40(23-24):3108-16.
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- Proniewski B, Kij A, Sitek B, Kelley EE, Chlopicki S. Multi-organ development of oxidative and nitrosative stress in LPS-induced endotoxemia in C57Bl/6 mice; DHE-based in vivo approach. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2019, 7838406.
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- Rygula A, Ferreira Fernandes R, Grosicki M, Kukla B, Leszczenko P, Augustynska D, Cernescu A, Dorosz A, Malek K, Baranska M. Raman imaging highlights biochemical heterogeneity of human eosinophils versus human eosinophilic leukemia cellline. British Journal of Haematology 2019;186(5):685-94
- Suraj J, Kurpińska A, Sternak M, Smolik M, Niedzielska-Andres E, Zakrzewska A, Sacha T, Kania A, Chlopicki S, Walczak M. Quantitative measurement of selected protein biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in plasma by micro-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry based on stable isotope dilution method. Talanta 2019;194:1005-1016.
- Suraj J, Kurpińska A, Zakrzewska A, Sternak M, Stojak M, Jasztal A, Walczak M, Chlopicki S Early and late endothelial response in breast cancer metastasis in mice: simultaneous quantification of endothelial biomarkers using mass spectrometry-based method. Dis Model Mech 2019.
- Szafraniec E, Kus E, Wislocka A, Kukla B, Sierka E, Untereiner V, Sockalingum GD, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Raman spectroscopy–based insight into lipid droplets presence and contents in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and hepatocytes. Journal of Biophotonics 2019;12(4),e201800290
- Szafraniec E, Tott S, Kus E, Augustynska D, Jasztal A, Filipek A, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Vibrational spectroscopy-based quantification of liver steatosis. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2019;1865(11).
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- Wiercigroch E, Stepula E, Mateuszuk L, Zhang Y, Baranska M, Chlopicki S, Schlücker S, Malek K. ImmunoSERS microscopy for the detection of smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic plaques. Biosens Bioelectron 2019;133:79-85.
- Zapotoczny B, Braet F, Kus E, Ginda-Mäkelä K, Klejevskaja B, Campagna R, Chlopicki S, Szymonski M. Actin-spectrin scaffold supports open fenestrae in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Traffic 2019;20(12):932-42.
- Zapotoczny B, Szafranska K, Kus E, Braet F, Wisse E, Chlopicki S, Szymonski M. Tracking fenestrae dynamics in live murine liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Hepatology 2019;69(2):876-88.
Rozdziały w książkach
- Czamara K, Szafraniec E, Wiercigroch E, Tott S, Zajac G, Machalska E, Dudek M, Augustynska D, Malek K, Kaczor A, Baranska M. Small and Large Molecules Investigated by Raman Spectroscopy. From Conformational Study to Biomedical Applications. Rozdział 6 w Molecular Spectroscopy: Experiment and Theory: From Molecules to Functional Materials, Andrzej Koleżyński, Magdalena Król (Ed.), Springer, 2019, p. 161-199, ISBN: 3030013553, 9783030013554
- Oleszkiewicz T, Pacia MZ, Grzebelus E, Baranski R Light Microscopy and Raman Imaging of Carotenoids in Plant Cells In Situ and in Released Carotene Crystals rozdział 19, str 245-260, w książce: Plant and Foof Carotenoids: Methods and Protocols (wyd. Spinger)
- Tyrankiewicz U, Kij A, Mohaissen T, Olkowicz M, Smolenski RT, Chlopicki S. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Heart Failure: Focus on Nonclassical Angiotensin Pathways as Novel Upstream Targets Regulating Aldosterone. Aldosterone-Mineralocorticoid Receptor-Cell Biology to Translational Medicine: IntechOpen 2019.
- Adamski MG, Sternak M, Mohaissen T, Kaczor D, Wieronska JM, Malinowska M, Czaban I, Byk K, Lyngso KS, Przyborowski K, Hansen PBL, Wilczynski G, Chlopicki S. Vascular Cognitive Impairment Linked to Brain Endothelium Inflammation in Early Stages of Heart Failure in Mice. J.Am.Heart Assoc. 2018;7:
- Buczek E, Denslow A, Mateuszuk L, Proniewski B, Wojcik T, Sitek B, Fedorowicz A, Jasztal A, Kus E, Chmura-Skirlinska A, Gurbiel R, Wietrzyk J, Chlopicki S. Alterations in NO- and PGI2- dependent function in aorta in the orthotopic murine model of metastatic 4T1 breast cancer: relationship with pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and systemic inflammation. BMC Cancer 2018;18:582.
- Chrabaszcz K, Jasztal A, Smeda M, Zielinski B, Blat A, Diem M, Chlopicki S, Malek K and Marzec KM. Label-Free FTIR Spectroscopy Detects and Visualizes the Early Stage of Pulmonary Micrometastasis Seeded From Breast Carcinoma. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2018;1864:3574-3584.
- Chrabaszcz K, Kochan K, Fedorowicz A, Jasztal A, Buczek E, Leslie LS, Bhargava R, Malek K, Chlopicki D, Marzec KM. FT-IR- and Raman-based biochemical profiling of the early stage of pulmonary metastasis of breast cancer in mice. Analyst 201, 143(9):2042-2050. DOI: 10.1039/C7AN01883E.
- Czamara K, Karnas E, Majka Z, Wojcik T, Zuba-Surma E, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Impact of cell cycle dynamics on pathology recognition: Raman imaging study. Journal of Biophotonics, 2018,
- Czamara K, Majka Z, Fus A, Matjasik K, Pacia MZ, Sternak M, Chlopicki S, Kaczor A. Raman spectroscopy as a novel tool for fast characterization of perivascular adipose tissue chemical composition. Analyst 2018; 143:5999-6005.
- Dudek M, Zajac G, Szafraniec E, E. Wiercigroch, S. Tott, K. Malek, A. Kaczor, M. Baranska. Raman Optical Activity and Raman spectroscopy of carbohydrates in solution. Spectrochimica Acta A, 2018, 206, 597-612
- Dybas J, Berkowicz P, Proniewski B, Dziedzic-Kocurek K, Stanek J, Baranska M, Chlopicki S and Marzec KM. Spectroscopy-Based Characterization of Hb-NO Adducts in Human Red Blood Cells Exposed to NO-Donor and Endothelium-Derived NO. Analyst 2018:143:4335-4346.
- Dybas J, Grosicki M, M. Baranska, K. M. Marzec. Raman imaging of haem metabolism in situ in macrophages and Kupffer cells. Analyst, 2018, 143, 3489 – 3498
- Fedorowicz A, Buczek E, Mateuszuk L, Czarnowska E, Sitek B, Jasztal A, Chmura-Skirlinska A, Dib M, Steven S, Daiber A, Chlopicki S. Comparison of pulmonary and systemic NO- and PGI2-dependent endothelial function in diabetic mice. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2018:4036709.
- Heraud P, Cowan MF, Marzec KM, Moller BL, Blomstedt CK, Gleadow R. Label-free Raman hyperspectral imaging analysis localizes the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin to the cytoplasm in sorghum cells. Sci.Rep. 2018;8:2691. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20928-7.
- Kaczara P, Proniewski B, Lovejoy C, Kus K, Motterlini R, Abramov AY, Chlopicki S. CORM-401 induces calcium signalling, NO increase and activation of pentose phosphate pathway in endothelial cells. FEBS J. 2018;285:1346-1358.
- Kania G, Sternak M, Jasztal A, Chlopicki S, Błażejczyk A, Nasulewicz-Goldeman A, Wietrzyk J, Jasiński K, Skórka T, Zapotoczny S, Nowakowska M. Uptake and bioreactivity of charged chitosan-coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles as promising contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging. Nanomedicine. 2018;14:131-140.
- Kus E, Jasinski K, Skórka T, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Chlopicki S. Short-term treatment with hepatoselective NO donor V-PYRRO/NO improves blood flow in hepatic microcirculation in liver steatosis in mice. Pharmacological Reports 70 (2018):463–469.
- Kus K, Kij A, Zakrzewska A, Jasztal A, Stojak M, Walczak M, Chlopicki S. Alterations in arginine and energy metabolism, structural and signalling lipids in metastatic breast cancer in mice detected in plasma by targeted metabolomics and lipidomics. Breast Cancer Res. 2018 Dec 4;20(1):148. doi: 10.1186/s13058-018-1075-y
- Maack C, Eschenhagen T, Hamdani N, Heinzel FR, Lyon AR, Manstein DJ, Metzger J, Papp Z, Tocchetti CG, Birhan Yilmaz M, Anker SD, Balligand JL, Bauersachs J, Brutsaert D, Carrier L, Chlopicki S, Cleland JG, de Boer RA, Dietl A, Fischmeister R, Harjola VP, Heymans S, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Holzmeister J, de Keulenaer G, Limongelli G, Linke WA, Lund LH, Masip J, Metra M, Mueller C, Pieske B, Ponikowski P, Ristic A, Ruschitzka F, Seferovic PM, Skouri H, Zimmermann WH, Mebazaa A. Treatments targeting inotropy. Eur Heart J. 2018 Oct 8. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy600. [Epub ahead of print]
- Maase M, Rygula A, Pacia MZ, Proniewski B, Mateuszuk L, Sternak M, Kaczor A, Chlopicki S and Kusche-Vihrog K (2018) Combined Raman- and AFM-Based Detection of Biochemical and Nanomechanical Features of Endothelial Dysfunction in Aorta Isolated From ApoE/LDLR-/- Mice. Nanomedicine.
- Majzner K, Tott S, Roussille L, Deckert V, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Uptake of fatty acids by a single endothelial cell investigated by Raman spectroscopy supported by AFM. Analyst 2018;143:970-980.
- Pacia MZ, Czamara K, Zebala M, Kus E, Chlopicki S and Kaczor A (2018) Rapid Diagnostics of Liver Steatosis by Raman Spectroscopy Via Fiber Optic Probe: a Pilot Study. Analyst 143:4723-4731.
- Perez-Guaita D, Marzec KM, Hudson A, Evans C, Chernenko T, Matthäus C, Miljkovic M, Diem M, Heraud P, Richards J, Andrew D, Anderson D, Doerig C, Garcia-Bustos J, McNaughton D, Wood BR. Parasites under the spotlight: Applications of vibrational spectroscopy to malaria research, Chemical Reviews 2018; 118(11):5330-5358
- Proniewski B, Czarny J, Khomich TI, Zakrzewska A, Kus K, Chlopicki S. Immuno-spin trapping–based detection of oxidative modifications in cardiomyocytes and coronary endothelium in the progression of heart failure in Tgαq*44 mice. Frontiers in Immunology 2018; 9:938.
- Przyborowski K, Proniewski B, Czarny J, Smeda M, Sitek B, Zakrzewska A, Zoladz JA and Chlopicki S . Vascular Nitric Oxide-Superoxide Balance and Thrombus Formation after Acute Exercise. Med.Sci.Sports Exerc. 2018; 50:1405-1412.
- Pytka K, Głuch-Lutwin M, Kotańska M, Waszkielewicz A, Kij A, Walczak M. Single Administration of HBK-15—a Triple 5-HT1A, 5-HT7, and 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonist—Reverses Depressive-Like Behaviors in Mouse Model of Depression Induced by Corticosterone. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 May;55(5):3931-3945. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0605-4
- Rygula A, Oleszkiewicz T, E. Grzebelus, M.Z. Pacia, M. Baranska, R. Baranski. Raman, AFM and SNOM high resolution imaging of carotene crystals in a model carrot cell system. Spectrochimica Acta A, 2018, 197, 47-55
- Smeda M, Kieronska A, Adamski MG, Proniewski B, Sternak M, Mohaissen T, Przyborowski K, Derszniak K, Kaczor D, Stojak M, Buczek E, Jasztal A, Wietrzyk J and Chlopicki S. Nitric Oxide Deficiency and Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Pulmonary Endothelium in the Progression of 4T1 Metastatic Breast Cancer in Mice. Breast Cancer Res 2018; 20:86.
- Smeda M, Kieronska A, Proniewski B, Jasztal A, Selmi A, Wandzel K, Zakrzewska A, Wojcik T, Przyborowski K, Derszniak K, Stojak M, Kaczor D, Buczek E, Watala C, Wietrzyk J, Chlopicki S. Dual antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel and aspirin increases mortality in 4T1 breast cancer-bearing mice by inducing vascular mimicry. Oncotarget 2018, 9(25):17810-17824. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24891
- Staniszewska-Slezak E, Wiercigroch E, Fedorowicz A, Buczek E, Mateuszuk L, Baranska M, Chlopicki S. A possible Fourier transform infrared-based plasma fingerprint of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced reversal of endothelial dysfunction in diabetic mice. J.Biophotonics. 2018;11.
- Sternak M, Bar A, Adamski MG, Mohaissen T, Marczyk B, Kieronska A, Stojak M, Kus K, Tarjus A, Jaisser F, Chlopicki S. The Deletion of Endothelial Sodium Channel Alpha (AlphaENaC) Impairs Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation and Endothelial Barrier Integrity in Endotoxemia in Vivo. Front Pharmacol 2018;9:178.
- Stojak M, Kaczara P, Motterlini R, Chlopicki S. Modulation of Cellular Bioenergetics by CO-Releasing Molecules and NO-Donors Inhibits the Interaction of Cancer Cells With Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells. Pharmacol Res 2018;136:160-171.
- Suraj J, Kurpińska A, Olkowicz M, Niedzielska-Andres E, Smolik M, Zakrzewska A, Jasztal A, Sitek B, Chlopicki S, Walczak M. Development, validation and application of a micro-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry based method for simultaneous quantification of selected protein biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in murine plasma. J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal. 2018;149:465-474.
- Szafraniec E, Wiercigroch E, Czamara K, Majzner K, Staniszewska–Slezak E, Marzec KM, Małek M, Kaczor A, Barańska M. Diversity among endothelial cell lines revealed by Raman and Fourier–transform infrared spectroscopic imaging, Analyst 2018, 143, 4323–4334.
- Tott S, Grosicki M, Klimas B, Augustynska D, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Raman spectroscopic features of primary cardiac microvascular endothelial cells(CMECs) isolated from the murine heart. Analyst, 2018, 143, 6079-6086
- Tyrankiewicz U, Olkowicz M, Skórka T, Jablonska M, Orzylowska A, Bar A, Gonet M, Berkowicz P, Jasinski K, Zoladz JA, Smolenski RT, Chlopicki S. Activation pattern of ACE2/Ang-(1-7) and ACE/Ang II pathway in course of heart failure assessed by multiparametric MRI in vivo in Tgalphaq*44 mice. J.Appl.Physiol (1985.) 2018;124:52-65.
- Wiercigroch E, Staniszewska-Slezak E, Szkaradek K, Wojcik T, Ozaki Y, Baranska M, Malek K. FTIR spectroscopic imaging of endothelial cells response to tumour necrosis factor-α: to follow markers of inflammation using standard and high magnification resolution. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(6), 3727–3736.
- Zajac G, Machalska E, A. Kaczor, J. Kessler, P. Bouř, M. Baranska. Structure of supramolecular astaxanthin aggregates revealed by molecular dynamics and electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018; 20:18038-18046
- Zapotoczny B, Szafranska K, Kus E, Braet F, Wisse E, Chlopicki S and Szymonski M. Tracking Fenestrae Dynamics in Live Murine Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells. Hepatology 2018.
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Rozdziały w książkach
- Kaczor A, Marzec KM, Majzner K, Kochan K, Pacia MZ, Baranska M. Raman Imaging of Biomedical Samples, rozdział 14 w Confocal Raman Microscopy, J. Toporski, T. Dieing, O. Hollricher (Eds.), Springer Series in Surface Sciences 2018, 307–346.
- Bar A, Olkowicz M, Tyrankiewicz U, Kus E, Jasinski K, Smolenski RT, Skorka T, Chlopicki S. Functional and biochemical endothelial profiling in vivo in a murine model of endothelial dysfunction; comparison of effects of 1-methylnicotinamide and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. Front Pharmacol 2017;8(APR).
- Bulat K, Rygula A, Szafraniec E, Ozaki Y, Baranska M. Live endothelial cells imaged by Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM): capabilities and challenges. Journal of Biophotonics, 2016, DOI:10.1002/jbio.201600081.
- Czamara K, Majzner K, Selmi A, Baranska M, Ozaki Y, Kaczor A. Unsaturated lipid bodies as a hallmark of inflammation studied by raman 2D and 3D microscopy. Sci Rep 2017;7.
- Denslow A, Switalska M, Nowak M, Maciejewska M, Chlopicki S, Marcinek A, Gebicki J, Wietrzyk J. The effects of 1,4-dimethylpyridine in metastatic prostate cancer in mice. BMC Cancer 2017;17(1).
- Dulski M, Marzec KM, Kusz J, Galuskina I, Majzner K, Galuskin E. Different route of hydroxide incorporation and thermal stability of new type of water clathrate: X-ray single crystal and raman investigation. Sci Rep 2017;7(1).
- Gajda M, Jasztal A, Banasik T, Jasek-Gajda E, Chlopicki S. Combined orcein and martius scarlet blue (OMSB) staining for qualitative and quantitative analyses of atherosclerotic plaques in brachiocephalic arteries in apoE/LDLR-/- mice. Histochem Cell Biol 2017.
- Grassi,B., Majerczak,J., Bardi,E., Buso,A., Comelli,M., Chlopicki,S., Guzik,M., Mavelli,I., Nieckarz,Z., Salvadego,D., Tyrankiewicz,U., Skorka,T., Bottinelli,R., Zoladz,J.A., and Pellegrino,M.A. (2017). Exercise training in Tgalphaq*44 mice during the progression of chronic heart failure: cardiac vs. peripheral (soleus muscle) impairments to oxidative metabolism. J. Appl. Physiol (1985. ) 123, 326-336.
- Heraud P, Marzec KM, Zhang QH, Yuen WS, Carroll J, Wood BR. Label-free in vivo raman microspectroscopic imaging of the macromolecular architecture of oocytes. Sci Rep 2017;7(1).
- Jurowski K, Kochan K, Walczak J, Baranska M, Piekoszewski W, Buszewski B. Comprehensive review of trends and analytical strategies applied for biological samples preparation and storage in modern medical lipidomics: state of the art. TRAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2017;86:276-289. DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2016.10.014
- Kochan K, Kus E, Filipek A, Szafranka K, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Label-free spectroscopic characterization of live liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) isolated from the murine liver. Analyst 2017;142(8):1308-1319.
- Kochan K, Kus E, Szafraniec E, Wislocka A, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Changes induced by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and hepatocytes: spectroscopic imaging of single live cells at the subcellular level. Analyst 2017;142(20):3948-58. DOI: 10.1039/c7an00865a.
- Kostogrys RB, Franczyk-Zarow M, Gasior-Glogowska M, Maslak E, Jasztal A, Wrobel TP, Baranska M, Czyzynska-Cichon I, Drahun A, Manterys A, Chłopicki S. Anti-atherosclerotic effects of pravastatin in brachiocephalic artery in comparison with en face aorta and aortic roots in ApoE/LDLR−/− mice. Pharmacological Rep. 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.pharep.2016.09.014.
- Kramkowski K, Leszczynska A, Przyborowski K, Proniewski B, Marcinczyk N, Rykaczewska U, Jarmoc D, Chabielska E, Chlopicki S. Short-term treatment with nitrate is not sufficient to induce in vivo antithrombotic effects in rats and mice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 2017, 390(1), 85–94.
- Kus K, Kus E, Zakrzewska A, Jawien W, Sitek B, Walczak M, Chlopicki S. Differential effects of liver steatosis on pharmacokinetic profile of two closely related hepatoselective NO-donors; V-PYRRO/NO and V-PROLI/NO. Pharmacol Rep 2017;69(3):560-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.pharep.2017.01.031
- Majerczak J, Grandys M, Duda K, Zakrzewska A, Balcerczyk A, Kolodziejski L, Szymoniak-Chochol D, Smolenski RT, Bartosz G, Chlopicki S, Zoladz J. Moderate-intensity endurance training improves endothelial glycocalyx layer integrity in healthy young men. Exp Physiol 2017;102:70-85. DOI: 10.1113/EP085887
- Matyjaszczyk K, Kolonko M, Gonciarz-Dytman A, Oszczapowicz I, Łukawska M, Jawień W, Chlopicki S, Walczak M. Effects of structural modification of the daunosamine moiety of anthracycline antibiotics on pKa values determined by capillary zone electrophoresis. J Chromatogr B Anal Technol Biomed Life Sci 2017;1060:44-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.04.038
- Olkowicz M, Chlopicki S, Smolenski RT. A primer to angiotensin peptide isolation, stability, and analysis by nano-liquid chromatography with mass detection. Methods Mol Biol 2017;1614:175-87. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7030-8_14
- Perez-Guaita D, de Veij M, Marzec KM, Almohammedi ARD, McNaughton D, Hudson AJ, Wood BR. Resonance Raman and UV-Visible Microscopy Reveals that Conditioning Red Blood Cells with Repeated Doses of Sodium Dithionite Increases Haemoglobin Oxygen Uptake. Chemistry Select 2017, DOI: 10.1002/slct.201700190.
- Polavarapu PL, Covington CL, Chruszcz-Lipska K, Zajac G, Baranska M. Vibrational Raman optical activity of bicyclic terpenes: Comparison between experimental and calculated vibrational Raman, Raman optical activity and dimensionless circular intensity difference spectra and their similarity analysis. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2017; 48(2):305-313. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5035.
- Prieto L, Rossier J, Derszniak K, Dybas J, Oetterli RM, Kottelat E, Chlopicki S, Zelder F, Zobi F. Modified biovectors for the tuneable activation of anti-platelet carbon monoxide release. Chem Commun 2017;53(51):6840-3. DOI: 10.1039/C7CC03642F
- Przyborowski K, Kassassir H, Wojewoda M, Kmiecik K, Sitek B, Siewiera K, Zakrzewska A, Rudolf AM, Kostogrys R, Watala C, Zoladz JA, Chlopicki S. Effects of a single bout of strenuous exercise on platelet activation in female ApoE/LDLR-/- mice. Platelets 2017;28(7):657-667. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2016.1254764
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- Sternak M, Jakubowski A, Czarnowska E, Slominska EM, Smolenski RT, Szafarz M, Walczak M, Sitek B, Wojcik T, Jasztal A, Kaminski K, Chlopicki S. Differential involvement of IL-6 in the early and late phase of 1-methylnicotinamide (MNA) release in concanavalin A-induced hepatitis. Int Immunopharmacol 2015;28(1):105-14.
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Rozdziały w książkach i prace przeglądowe
- Bar A, Skorka T, Jasinski K, Chlopicki S. MRI-based assessment of endothelial function in mice in vivo. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):765-70.
- Chlopicki S. Perspectives in pharmacology of endothelium: From bench to bedside. Pharmacol Rep 2015 Aug;67(4):vi-ix. doi: 10.1016/j.pharep.2015.08.005. No abstract available. PMID: 26321287
- Czamara K, Majzner K, Pilarczyk M, Kochan K, Kaczor A, Baranska M. Raman spectroscopy of lipids: a review. J Raman Spectr, 2015;46:4-20.
- Frolow M, Drozdz A, Kowalewska A, Nizankowski R, Chlopicki S. Comprehensive assessment of vascular health in patients; towards endothelium-guided therapy. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):786-92.
- Kozlovski VI, Lomnicka M, Bartus M, Sternak M, Chlopicki S. Anti-thrombotic effects of nebivolol and carvedilol: Involvement of β2 receptors and COX-2/PGI2 pathways. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(5):1041-7.
- Marzec KM, Rygula A, Gasior-Glogowska M, Kochan K, Czamara K, Bulat K, Malek K, Kaczor A, Baranska M. Vascular diseases investigated ex vivo by using Raman, FT-IR and other methods. Pharmacol Rep 2015; 67(5):744-50.
- Maslak E, Gregorius A, Chlopicki S. Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) function and NAFLD; NO-based therapy targeted to the liver. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):689-94.
- Olkowicz M, Chlopicki S, Smolenski RT. Perspectives for angiotensin profiling with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to evaluate ACE/ACE2 balance in endothelial dysfunction and vascular pathologies. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):778-85.
- Walczak M, Suraj J, Kus K, Kij A, Zakrzewska A, Chlopicki S. Towards a comprehensive endothelial biomarkers profiling and endothelium-guided pharmacotherapy. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):771-7.
- Wojcik T, Szczesny E, Chlopicki S. Detrimental effects of chemotherapeutics and other drugs on the endothelium: A call for endothelial toxicity profiling. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):811-7.
- Zoladz JA, Majerczak J, Duda K, Chlopicki S. Coronary and muscle blood flow during physical exercise in humans; heterogenic alliance. Pharmacol Rep 2015;67(4):719-27.
- Chruszcz-Lipska K, Jaworska A, Szczurek E, Baranska M. (-)-R-mevalonolactone studied by ROA and SERS spectroscopy. Chirality 2014;26(9):453-61.
- Florczyk U, Jazwa A, Maleszewska M, Mendel M, Szade K, Kozakowska M, Grochot-Przeczek A, Viscardi M, Czauderna S, Bukowska-Strakova K, Kotlinowski J, Jozkowicz A, Loboda A, Dulak J. Nrf2 regulates angiogenesis: Effect on endothelial cells, bone marrow-derived proangiogenic cells and hind limb ischemia. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2014;20(11):1693-708.
- Grochot-Przeczek A, Kotlinowski J, Kozakowska M, Starowicz K, Jagodzinska J, Stachurska A, Volger OL, Bukowska-Strakova K, Florczyk U, Tertil M, Jazwa A, Szade K, Stepniewski J, Loboda A, Horrevoets AJG, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A. Heme oxygenase-1 is required for angiogenic function of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells: Role in therapeutic revascularization. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2014;20(11):1677-92.
- Jaworska A, Malek K, Marzec KM, Baranska M. An impact of the ring substitution in nicorandil on its adsorption on silver nanoparticles. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies. Spectrochim. Acta A 2014;129:624-631.
- Kozakowska M, Szade K, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A. Role of heme oxygenase-1 in postnatal differentiation of stem cells: A possible cross-talk with MicroRNAs. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2014;20(11):1827-50.
- Kutryb-Zajac B, Zukowska P, Toczek M, Zabielska M, Lipinski M, Rybakowska I, Chlopicki S, Slominska EM, Smolenski RT. Extracellular nucleotide catabolism in aortoiliac bifurcation of atherosclerotic ApoE/LDLr double knock out mice. Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 2014;33(4-6):323-8.
- Majzner K, Kochan K, Kachamakova-Trojanowska N, Maslak E, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Raman imaging providing insights into chemical composition of lipid droplets of different size and origin: In hepatocytes and endothelium. Anal Chem 2014;86(13):6666-74.
Marzec KM, Perez–Guaita D, de Veij M, McNaughton D, Baranska M, Dixon MWA, Tilley L, Wood BR. Red blood cells polarize green laser light revealing hemoglobin’s enhanced non-fundamental Raman modes. Chem. Phys. Chem. 2014; 15(18):3963-3968.
- Marzec KM, Wrobel TP, Ryguła A, Maślak E, Jasztal A, Fedorowicz A, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Visualization of the biochemical markers of atherosclerotic plaque with the use of Raman, IR and AFM. J. of Biophot 2014;7(9):744–756.
- Nowak WN, Borys S, Kusińska K, Bukowska-Strakova K, Witek P, Koblik T, Józkowicz A, Malecki MT, Dulak J. Number of circulating pro-angiogenic cells, growth factor and anti-oxidative gene profiles might be altered in type 2 diabetes with and without diabetic foot syndrome. Journal of Diabetes Investigation 2014;5(1):99-107.
- Pilarczyk M, Mateuszuk L, Rygula A, Kepczynski M, Chlopicki S, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Endothelium in Spots – High-Content Imaging of Lipid Rafts Clusters in db/db Mice. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(8).
- Pilarczyk M, Rygula A, Kaczor A, Mateuszuk L, Maślak E, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. A novel approach to investigate vascular wall in 3D: Combined Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy for aorta en face imaging. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2014;75:39-44.
- Staniszewska E, Malek K, Baranska M. Rapid approach to analyze biochemical variation in rat organs by ATR FTIR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta – Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2014;118:981-6.
- Walczak M. LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of series of aminopropan-2-ol derivatives – application to in vivo pharmacokinetic study. J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol 2014,37(16): 2233-2248.
- Wojewoda M, Kmiecik K, Ventura-Clapier R, Fortin D, Onopiuk M, Jakubczyk J, Sitek B, Fedorowicz A, Majerczak J, Kaminski K, Chlopicki S, Zoladz JA. Running performance at high running velocities is impaired but V′O2maxand peripheral endothelial function are preserved in IL-6-/- mice. PLoS ONE 2014;9(2).
- Zajac G, Kaczor A, Chruszcz-Lipska K, Dobrowolski JC, Baranska M. Bisignate resonance Raman optical activity: a pseudo breakdown of the Single Electronic State model of RROA? J Raman Spectrosc 2014; 45(10), 859-862.
Meeting abstracts
- Sternak M, Osip AG, Mateuszuk LM, Skorka T, Chlopicki S. Vascular permeability changes as a marker of endothelial dysfunction; ex vivo and in vivo imaging. Journal of Vascular Research 2014; 51: 108-108. Meeting Abstract: ISRA54
- Tyrankiewicz U, Skorka T, Jablonska M, Osiak A, Jasinski K, Osip A, Smeda M, Zoladz J, Chlopicki S. Influence of spontaneous physical activity on cardiac function in murine model of heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure 2014; 16: 198–198. Meeting Abstract
- Zukowska P, Rybakowska I, Kutryb-Zajac B, Jasztal A, Toczek M, Borkowski T, Romaszko P, Lipinski M, Chlopicki S, Slominska EM, Smolenski RT. The effect of CD73 knock-out and high-fat diet in mice on development of aortic valve dysfunction. Purinergic Signalling 2014; 10:801-802. Meeting Abstract: G117.
Pozostałe publikacje
- Galuskin EV, Galuskina IO, Kusz J, Armbruster T, Marzec KM, Dzierżanowski P, Muraszko M. Vapnikite Ca3UO6 – a new double perovskite mineral from pyrometamorphic larnite rocks of the Jabel Harmun, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Mineral Mag 2014, 78(3), 571-581.
Rozdziały w książkach i prace przeglądowe
- “Optical Spectroscopy and Computational Methods in Biology and Medicine, M. Baranska (Ed.)”, 2014, Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-7831-3:
- Baranska M, Roman M, Majzner K. General overview on vibrational spectroscopy applied in biology and medicine. Chapter 1.
- Chruszcz-Lipska K, Blanch E. Raman Optical Activity of biological samples. Chapter 4;
- Kaczor A, Pilarczyk M. Structural and spatial analysis of carotenoids in a single cell monitored by Raman spectroscopy. Chapter 11.
- Malek K, Wood B, Bambery KR. FT-IR imaging of cells and tissue: techniques and methods of analysis. Chapter 15.
- Wrobel TP, Fedorowicz A, Mateuszuk L, Maslak E, Jasztal A, Chlopicki S, Marzec KM. Vibrational microspectroscopy for analysis of atherosclerotic arteries. Chapter 17.
- Kochan K, Marzec KM, Chruszcz-Lipska K, Jasztal A, Maslak E, Musiolik H, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Pathological changes in the biochemical profile of liver in atherosclerosis and diabetes assessed by Raman spectroscopy. Analyst 2013, 138, 3885-3890.
- Majzner K, Kaczor A, Kachamakova-Trojanowska N, Fedorowicz A, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. 3D confocal raman imaging of endothelial cells and vascular wall: Perspectives in analytical spectroscopy of biomedical research. Analyst 2013;138(2):603-10.
- Majzner K, Wrobel TP, Fedorowicz A, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Secondary structure of proteins analyzed ex vivo in vascular wall in diabetic animals using FT-IR spectroscopy. Analyst 2013;138(24):7400-10.
- Marzec KM, Jaworska A, Malek K, Kaczor A, Baranska M. Substituent effect on structure and surface activity of N-methylpyridinium salts studied by FT-IR, FT-RS, SERS and DFT calculations. J Raman Spectrosc 2013;44(1):155-65.
- Szade K, Bukowska-Strakova K, Nowak WN, Szade A, Kachamakova-Trojanowska N, Zukowska M, Jozkowicz A, Dulak J. Murine bone marrow lin-sca-1+CD45- very small embryonic-like (VSEL) cells are heterogeneous population lacking oct-4A expression. PLoS ONE 2013;8(5).
- Szafarz M, Szymura-Oleksiak J, Zakrzewska A, Walczak M, Kus K, Gonciarz A. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the analysis of 1,4-dimethylpyridinium in rat plasma – application to pharmacokinetic studies. Biomedical Chromatography 2013;27(1):73-9.
- Tyrankiewicz U, Skorka T, Jablonska M, Petkow-Dimitrow P, Chlopicki S. Characterization of the cardiac response to a low and high dose of dobutamine in the mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy by MRI in vivo. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2013;37(3):669-77.
- Walczak M. Binding of new aminopropan-2-ol compounds to bovine serum albumin, ai-acid glycoprotein and rat serum using equilibrium dialysis and LC/MS/MS. Pharmacological Reports 2013;65(5):1294-303.
- Walczak MZ. Physicochemical profiling of new aminopropan-2-ol derivatives with β-adrenolytic activity: The importance for pharmacokinetic properties. Pharmazie 2013;68(11):866-71.
- Woźniak M, Tyrankiewicz U, Drelicharz Ł, Skórka T, Jaboska M, Heinze-Paluchowska S, Chłopicki S. The effect of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibition on myocardial function in early and late phases of dilated cardiomyopathy in tgaq 44 mice. Kardiol Pol 2013;71(7):730-7.
- Wrobel TP, Mateuszuk L, Kostogrys RB, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Quantification of plaque area and characterization of plaque biochemical composition with atherosclerosis progression in ApoE/LDLR-/- mice by FT-IR imaging. Analyst 2013;138(21):6645-52.
- Wrobel TP, Wajnchold B, Byrne HJ, Baranska M. Electric field standing wave effects in FT-IR transflection spectra of biological tissue sections: Simulated models of experimental variability. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2013;69:84-92.
Other publications
- Dulski M, Bulou A, Marzec KM, Galuskin EV, Wrzalik R. Structural characterization of rondorfite, calcium silica chlorine mineral containing magnesium in tetrahedral position [MgO4]6-, with the aid of the vibrational spectroscopies and fluorescence. Spectrochimica Acta – Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2013;101:382-8.
- Galuskin EV, Kusz J, Armbruster T, Galuskina IO, Marzec KM, Vapnik Y, Murashko M. Actinides in Geology, Energy, and the Environment Vorlanite, (CaU6+)O4, from Jabel Harmun, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. American Mineralogist 2013, 98, 1938-1942.
- Pilarczyk M, Czamara K, Baranska M, Natorska J, Kapusta P, Undas A, Kaczor A. Calcification of aortic human valves studied in situ by raman microimaging: Following mineralization from small grains to big deposits. J Raman Spectrosc 2013;44(9):1222-9.
- Roman M, Baranska M. Vibrational and theoretical study of selected diacetylenes. Spectrochimica Acta – Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2013;115:493-503.
- Roman M, Kaczor A, Dobrowolski JC, Baranska M. Structural changes of β-carotene and some retinoid pharmaceuticals induced by environmental factors. J Mol Struct 2013;1037:99-108.
Non-impacted publications
- Jaworska A, Malek K, Kachamakova-Trojanowska N, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. The uptake of gold nanoparticles by endothelial cells studied by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Biomed Spec and Imag 2013(2):183-189,DOI: 10.3233/BSI-130047.
- Kochan K, Maslak E, Kostogrys R, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. A comprehensive approach to study liver tissue: spectroscopic imaging and histochemical staining. Biomed Spec and Imag 2013(2):331-337.
- Malek K, Jaworska A, Krala P, Kachamakova-Trojanowska N, Baranska M. Imaging of macrophages by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). Biomed Spec and Imag 2013(2):349-357.
- Pilarczyk M, Rygula A, Mateuszuk L, Chlopicki S, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Multi-methodological insight into the vessel wall cross-section: Raman and AFM imaging combined with immunohistochemical staining. Biomed Spec and Imag 2013(2):191-197.
- Roman M, Chruszcz-Lipska K, Celka J, Baranska M. Raman Optical Activity of cinchona alkaloids. Biomed Spec and Imag 2013(2):359-365.
- Staniszewska E, Bartosz AK, Malek K, Baranska M. An effect of anticoagulants on the FTIR spectral profile of mice plasma. Biomed Spec and Imag 2013(2):317–330
Book chapters and reviews
- Chmura-Skirlińska A, Gurbiel RJ: Wykrywanie tlenku azotu i jego pochodnych w komórkach śródbłonka i tkankach, Postepy Biochemii Tom 59, Nr 4/2013,432 – 438
- Grochot-Przeczek A, Dulak J, Jozkowicz A. Therapeutic angiogenesis for revascularization in peripheral artery disease. Gene 2013;525(2):220-8.
- Nowak WN, Florczyk U, Jozkowicz A, Dulak J. Rola mikroRNA w komórkach śródbłonka – regulacja różnicowania i angiogenezy. Post Bioch 2013.
- Rygula A, Majzner K, Marzec KM, Kaczor A, Pilarczyk M, Baranska M. Raman spectroscopy of proteins: A review. J Raman Spectrosc 2013;44(8):1061-76.
- Chlopicki S, Lomnicka M, Fedorowicz A, Grochal E, Kramkowski K, Mogielnicki A, Buczko W, Motterlini R. Inhibition of platelet aggregation by carbon monoxide-releasing molecules (CO-RMs): Comparison with NO donors. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 2012;385(6):641-50.
- Chłopicki S, Kurdziel M, Sternak M, Szafarz M, Szymura-Oleksiak J, Kamiński K, Zoła̧dz JA. Single bout of endurance exercise increases NNMT activity in the liver and MNA concentration in plasma; the role of IL-6. Pharmacological Reports 2012;64(2):369-76.
- Csányi G, Gajda M, Franczyk-Zarow M, Kostogrys R, Gwoźdź P, Mateuszuk L, Sternak M, Wojcik T, Zalewska T, Walski M, Chlopicki S. Functional alterations in endothelial NO, PGI2 and EDHF pathways in aorta in ApoE/LDLR-/- mice. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators 2012;98(3-4):107-15.
- Gonciarz A, Kus K, Szafarz M, Walczak M, Zakrzewska A, Szymura-Oleksiak J. Capillary electrophoresis/frontal analysis versus equilibrium dialysis in dexamethasone sodium phosphate-serum albumin binding studies. Electrophoresis 2012;33(22):3323-30.
- Jaworska A, Malek K, Marzec KM, Baranska M. Nicotinamide and trigonelline studied with surface-enhanced FT-raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2012;63:469-76.
- Kostogrys RB, Franczyk-Zarow M, Maslak E, Gajda M, Mateuszuk L, Chlopicki S. Effects of margarine supplemented with t10c12 and c9t11 cla on atherosclerosis and steatosis in apoe/ldlr -/-mice. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2012;16(5):482-90.
- Kostogrys RB, Franczyk-Zarów M, Maślak E, Gajda M, Mateuszuk L, Jackson CL, Chłopicki S. Low carbohydrate, high protein diet promotes atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E/low-density lipoprotein receptor double knockout mice (apoE/LDLR-/-). Atherosclerosis 2012;223(2):327-31.
- Kramkowski K, Leszczynska A, Mogielnicki A, Chlopicki S, Fedorowicz A, Grochal E, Mann B, Brzoska T, Urano T, Motterlini R, Buczko W. Antithrombotic properties of water-soluble carbon monoxide-releasing molecules. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2012;32(9):2149-57.
- Mackiewicz U, Czarnowska E, Brudek M, Pajak B, Duda M, Emanuel K, Csanyi G, Fedorowicz A, Grochal E, Tyrankiewicz U, Skórka T, Mende U, Lewartowski B, Chłopicki S. Preserved cardiomyocyte function and altered desmin pattern in transgenic mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2012;52(5):978-87.
- Nowak WN, Mika P, Nowobilski R, Kusinska K, Bukowska-Strakova K, Nizankowski R, Jozkowicz A, Szczeklik A, Dulak J. Exercise training in in termittent claudication: Effects on antioxidant genes, inflammatory mediators and proangiogenic progenitor cells. Thromb Haemost 2012;108(5):824-31.
- Pilarczyk M, Wrobel TP, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Correlation of monomer structures of tripalmitin with the spectroscopic fingerprint of polymorphs: Infrared, raman, and DFT study. J Raman Spectrosc 2012;43(10):1515-22.
- Szczygiel AM, Brzezinka G, Targosz-Korecka M, Chlopicki S, Szymonski M. Elasticity changes anti-correlate with NO production for human endothelial cells stimulated with TNF-α. Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology 2012;463(3):487-96.
- Wrobel TP, Majzner K, Baranska M. Protein profile in vascular wall of atherosclerotic mice analyzed ex vivo using FT-IR spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta – Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2012;96:940-5.
- Wrobel TP, Marzec KM, Majzner K, Kochan K, Bartus M, Chlopicki S, Baranska M. Attenuated total reflection fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy of a single endothelial cell. Analyst 2012;137(18):4135-9.
Other publications
- Armbruster T, Lazic B, Galuskina IO, Galuskin EV, Gnos E, Marzec KM, Gazeev VM. Trabzonite, ca 4[si 3O 9(OH)]OH: Crystal structure, revised formula, new occurrence and relation to killalaite. Mineralogical Magazine 2012;76(3):455-72.
- Baranska M, Dobrowolski JC, Kaczor A, Chruszcz-Lipska K, Gorz K, Rygula A. Tobacco alkaloids analyzed by raman spectroscopy and DFT calculations. J Raman Spectrosc 2012;43(8):1065-73.
- Baranska M, Kaczor A. Morphine studied by vibrational spectroscopy and DFT calculations. J Raman Spectrosc 2012, 43(1), 102-107.
- Cyranski M, Jamroz MH, Ryguła A, Dobrowolski JC, Dobrzycki L, Barańska M. On Two Alizarin Polymorphs. CrystEngComm 2012, 2012,14, 3667-3676.
- Papiez MA, Bukowska-Straková K, Krzyściak W, Baran J. (-)-Epicatechin enhances etoposide-induced antileukaemic effect in rats with acute myeloid leukaemia. Anticancer Res 2012;32(7):2905-13.
- Pilarczyk M, Wrobel TP, Baranska M, Kaczor A. Correlation of monomer structures of tripalmitin with the spectroscopic fingerprint of polymorphs: Infrared, raman, and DFT study. J Raman Spectrosc 2012;43(10):1515-22.
- Kostogrys RB, Maślak E, Franczyk-Zarów M, Gajda M, Chłopicki S. Effects of trans-10,cis-12 and cis-9,trans-11 CLA on atherosclerosis in apoE/LDLR-/- mice. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 2011;113(5):572-83.
- Wrobel TP, Mateuszuk L, Chlopicki S, Malek K, Baranska M. Imaging of lipids in atherosclerotic lesion in aorta from ApoE/LDLR -/- mice by FT-IR spectroscopy and hierarchical cluster analysis. Analyst 2011;136(24):5247-55.
Other publications
- Jaworska A, Wietecha-Posłuszny R, Woźniakiewicz M, Kościelniak P, Malek K. Evaluation of the potential of Surface Enhancement Raman Spectroscopy for detection of tricyclic psychotropic drugs. Case studies on imipramine and its metabolite. Analyst 2011,136(22):4704-4709.
- Marzec KM, Gawel B, Zborowski KK, Lasocha W, Proniewicz LM, Malek K. Insight into coordination of dilead unit by molecules of 4-thiazolidinone-2-thione. Structural and computational studies. Inorg Chim Acta 2011(376):581–589.
- Marzec KM, Reva I, Fausto R, Proniewicz LM. Comparative Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy Study of 1,3- and 1,4-Diene Monoterpenes (α-Phellandrene and γ-Terpinene). J Phys Chem A 2011,115(17):4342-4353.
Book chapters and reviews
- Jaworska K, Malek L, Marzec KM, Barańska M. Analiza amidu kwasu 3-pirydylokarboksylowego (nikotynamidu) i jego pochodnych za pomocą spektroskopii Ramana [w:] H. Koroniak, J. Barciszewski (red), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, tom XXVII, ISBN 978-83-232, 2011, 19-28.
- Wrobel TP, Barańska M. Application of FT-IR imaging in studying atherosclerotic tissue, [w:] H. Koroniak, J. Barciszewski (red), Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, tom XXVII, ISBN 978-83-232, 2011,77-86.