Recruitment within the project Horizon 2020, European Training Networks (MSCA-ITN-ETN) pt. LOGIC LAB: Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics.

The objective of LOGIC LAB project is to establish a novel type of molecular logic sensors that reliably operate in biological systems. In particular, novel biosensors will be used to assess endothelial phenotype in isolated endothelial cells and in ex vivo vascular preparations. With excellent cross- disciplinary scientific and complementary training provided in the network, we aim to educate highly-skilled, interdisciplinary young scientists.

OFFER NUMBER: 2019-165
INSTITUTION: Faculty of Chemistry Jagiellonian University
CITY: Kraków
POSITION: research assistant
DISCIPLINE: chemistry/ biochemistry/ biotechnology/ biology/medicine
KEY WORDS: spectroscopy, endothelium, endothelial profiling, biochemistry of endothelium


The tasks of an employed person will include:

  • planning and performing experiments aiming at functional, biochemical, molecular and cytometric analysis of primary endothelial cells and endothelial lines
  • performing research of phenothype primary endothelial cells and endothelial lines with use of novel approach for biochemical assessment (supramolecular logic gates)
  • application of metabolomics methods to validate endothelial cell pathology
  • intravital cell studies and 3D cell models
  • performing experiments of biological systems with use of spectroscopic method (e.g. Raman spectroscopy)
  • analysis of the obtained results and preparation of cyclical reports
  • compliance with the personal and scientific data protection
  • compliance with the work discipline, bhp and fire safety rules
  • care for entrusted laboratory and scientific equipment


  • Sci (or equivalent, enabling PhD studies) in the field of medical, pharmaceutical, biochemistry, chemistry, biotechnology or related sciences,
  • high evaluation of the M.Sci thesis (or Bachelor thesis if that enabling PhD studies) or a distinguished master’s/bachelor thesis,
  • positive opinion of a scientific supervisor about predispositions for scientific research,
  • knowledge in the application of the spectroscopic methods for measuring biological samples,
  • fluent knowledge of English in speech and writing.

Additional requirements:

  • experience in interdisciplinary scientific research,
  • knowledge in conducting in vitro experiments on the cellular systems,
  • knowledge of the vascular endothelium physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry,
  • authorship or co-authorship in scientific publications.

ESRs must not have resided in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date (and not have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in that country) and be (at the date of recruitment) an ‘early stage researcher’ (i.e. in the first four years of his/her research career and not have a doctoral degree).

We offer:

  • salary in accordance to the European Commision rules,
  • close collaboration with the Jagiellonian Centre of Experimental Therapeutics (JCET),
  • access to the modern research equipment,
  • friendly, inspirational, interdisciplinary work environment,
  • carrier development towards PhD degree,
  • competitive salary.

Required documents:

  • letter of application with the announcement number,
  • curriculum vitae,
  • copy of diploma,
  • publications list (if applicable).

Each candidate is requested to apply his/her CV, job application letter (with number of the offer 2019-165 in its title) and publications list by email address:

The current closing date for applications is 15th March 2019.

Please, include in your documents this statement:

“I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 10 May 2018.”


Recruitment within the project Horizon 2020 – Research Assistant (Offer number 2019-165)
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