Marta Smeda, Ph.D.

Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology of Endothelium

Marta Smęda obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences in the field of Biochemistry granted by the Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Warsaw in 2011. Since 2011, she has been employed at the Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET) and from 2018 she has been the Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology of Endothelium. Her research interests evolved from adaptation of endothelium to physical activity (2011-2014), through effects of antiplatelet therapy on breast cancer progression in murine model (2015-2021), to the role of platelets in maintenance of endothelium wellbeing alongside ageing as well as in disease. She was the principal investigator of the MINIATURA project funded by National Science Centre titled: “Multiparametric analysis of pulmonary endothelium dysfunction alongside breast cancer progression in murine model” and the project funded by POB Bios (UJ) titled: “Does platelet-dependent protection of pulmonary endothelial barrier matter in the inflammatory setting of cancer metastasis?”; currently she is the principal investigator of the OPUS21 project funded by the National Science Centre titled: “Breast cancer metastasis-induced endothelial-mesenchymal transition alongside ageing; implications for therapy”.

Selected recent publications

  • Smeda M, Stojak M, Przyborowski K, Sternak M, Suraj-Prazmowska J, Kus K, Derszniak K, Jasztal A, Kij A, Kurpinska A, Kieronska-Rudek A, Wojnar-Lason K, Buczek E, Mohaissen T, Chlopicki S (2022). Direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran compromises pulmonary endothelial integrity in a murine model of breast cancer metastasis to the lungs. Front Pharmacol. 28;13:834472.
  • Smeda M, Kieronska A, Adamski MG, Proniewski B, Sternak M, Mohaissen T, Przyborowski K, Derszniak K, Kaczor D, Stojak M, Buczek E, Jasztal A, Wietrzyk J, Chlopicki S (2018). Nitric oxide deficiency and endothelial-mesenchymal transition of pulmonary endothelium in the progression of 4T1 metastatic breast cancer in mice. Breast Cancer Res. 3;20(1):86. https://org/10.1186/s13058-018-1013-z
